That's a good point, thanks—it would be kind of contrived to imply that being noble never had any rewards or that right and wrong were never a matter of black and white (like in games that focus on gray ethics).
That's a good point, thanks—it would be kind of contrived to imply that being noble never had any rewards or that right and wrong were never a matter of black and white (like in games that focus on gray ethics).
My pleasure! =)
"And the player, knowing that all monsters were once human, won't necessarily want to kill all monsters"
Tactless, but I can definitely admire his wish to do a game adaptation properly.
That would make the buttons otherwise useless, since you'd have to have only as many game mechanics as a Circle Pad Pro-less 3DS could handle, but I like your thinking.
I doubt that will happen. It would pretty much make Circle Pad-less 3DSes useless for playing games released in the future—except for games that didn't require the second Circle Pad, which would defeat the purpose.
Nice job, all of these, especially for Lara Croft. Goodness, Cammy. Well done, Cloud and Motoko Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell), as well as the last costume (Assassin's Creed III multiplayer, evidently?).
I'm going to be honest—I also looked.
Ah, thanks!
Technically you're right, thanks.
So it's basically The Orange Box: God of War Edition. I am impressed by the sheer amount of content.
You are most welcome, and thanks! =)
Ah, thanks a bunch!
It's listed as Ivy here.
Wouldn't we just be used to it after a while, though? I think we've gotten off track, given that our original discussion was on the (faulty) idea that good and evil cannot exist without each other.
I thought she did a great job! =) Thanks for posting this!
Which would be ... good? Bad? Evil? Wait, it can't be evil, since we've omitted that entirely. So ... what is it?
It wouldn't matter. If evil doesn't exist, does that count for sins of omission (things you should do, but don't) as well as for sins of commission (things you shouldn't do, but you do) ? If so, if evil didn't exist, people wouldn't physically be able to devalue or not appreciate goodness—because that would be evil,…