Made me kinda think of a Famicom.
Made me kinda think of a Famicom.
Nooo! Don't hurt the poor flamingos! D:
I *laughed* at your comment and picture.
=D Response of the day, my friend!
There's a demo of Dead or Alive 4 on Xbox Live, and it's actually pretty challenging.
I am lovin' that foliage.
That's good to hear. I don't mean that sarcastically; I mean to say that that does motivate me to read the book at some point, thanks.
The example specifically refers to unwanted male-on-male touching:
Regarding the Nathan Drake example (instead of Lara Croft) ... hmm. [tries to think of games with gay antagonists, let alone those who try to commit sexual assault on the player character]
I don't mind having fictional characters being written with flaws, but A Song of Ice and Fire seems to emphasize character flaws to such a degree that they overwhelm a number of the characters. (Compare the flawed and sometimes depraved protagonists of Watchmen, for example, with the flawed but still likeable…
I've heard very good things about A Storm of Swords, but I may very well have series fatigue right now. I had to speed through Clash of Kings in order to get it back to the library on time, though I tried not to overlook anything or "skim" just to get through it.
Thanks for the recommendation! =) Too bad about the marketing, though. :-( Looks like Binary Domain didn't do well, either, and that game's demo was an amazing take on the third-person shooter. Friendly fire matters? Your teammates need to be able to trust you, which is affected by your in-combat actions as well…
Yeah, Retribution has a campaign.
I read the first two books (just finished Clash of Kings a few days ago). I'm not really sure I'm willing to stick around for all the problems happening north of the Wall, but thanks for the suggestion.
Duly noted, thanks for your responses.
I read the first two books. If things improve beyond that point, please feel free to let me know.
Do you mean a bundle of the following?
Perhaps I will rephrase my complaints, but most certainly not throw out, at least not entirely. I'll grant that those characters aren't whores or (mostly) manipulators. I don't like Dany, because of her entitlement complex and because she isn't always that good at taking advice (or at not getting a number of her…