
(I don't know if this is from the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC or what, but it's noticeably different from either 1 or 2. It's also very beautiful.)

(Mass Effect 2 - I was not happy with the new facial model; the poor girl looked like she hadn't slept for days, though that's probably quite plausible)

I think the eyes are too big. "A" for effort, though. The art design on her character has really not seemed consistent in the games.

The thing of it is, though, the speakers in that scene were probably drunk and perhaps not reliable.

That is impressive.

I think the only people who would blame you are those who want it for themselves. :-P

You both beat me to it!

... Okay, that was well played.


Well, technically Hong Kong, but I see what you're saying. Didn't know that about the Yakuza code, thanks.

I did like Mercenaries' system of "collateral damage," penalizing the player for killing innocent civilians. Will this be like that?

I've been trying to locate that one myself. (Welcome to Kotaku, by the way.)

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is utterly fantastic.

I love those sorts of indoor water areas in art, as you put it.

Oh, come on! Just because I've viewed every single scene, gotten every single ending, earned the 100% completion reward, started a new repeat playthrough, listened to the whole soundtrack in one sitting several times, and spent a portion of my time looking at Katawa Shoujo fan art, doesn't mean I need an

I will try to tolerate it.

At least for the time being, KingKellogg and the rest of us would love to have you at our version of Speak-Up.

I forgot I introduced you to Katawa Shoujo! <3 (Guess what soundtrack I'm listening to right now?)

Basically all of this. Everything you just said.

I don't want to go to Hawaii after seeing these pictures.