
I don't know if I'd buy that car. I heard he drove it fine for a while, then let it sit in the garage, then brought it back out of the garage and did a pretty good job driving it, then put it back in the garage, then took it out AGAIN, got a new paint job and did a shitty job driving it.

I signed up. It was weird though; right after I confirmed the subscription my computer screen slowly turned red with what looked like oozing blood.

If my kid hasn't beaten Angry Birds by age 4, I have failed as a parent.

The guy from the audio message sent this short follow up quiz:

Welcome. You've got bad press!

Ah...it makes sense now...

That woman's smile says one thing and one thing only, "I took the Rangers -130".

He just wants the poor horse so he can name it "Shaqretariat" and reference it in press conferences.

@ergheiz: lol had no clue it said megan man. My fiance's name is megan, i probably did it without thinking. Ninja edit FTW?

This is the boss music for "Yo-Yo Man" in Megan Man 2, right?

@PolkPanther: Noticing that is why you are starred and I'm just a casual observer. Hilarious and well done.

In other news, the Patriots beat the Bills 144-3 in Madden 11. Welcome to video games.

@Loui: Great job with the photo.

Was the article written by Colin Cowherd?

I bet Mario's facebook page has SOOOO many happy birthdays.

I'm glad this was a positive review. Otherwise I'd feel pretty dumb playing my Legendary Edition of Halo Reach with my Halo Reach XBOX controller on my Halo Reach XBOX 360 wearing my Halo Reach wireless headset.