
Already. Been. Done.

Welp, there goes my theory of "I can't believe both my darn pens ran out of ink....but boy am I hungry...."

"Did someone say weird aircraft!?" -Lady Gaga

I think his posts would have been much more effective had he of changed his profile picture to:

The coolest Lego sets are undoubtedly created by a brilliant author with a severe case of writer's 'block'.

Yeah I whiffed there. But the general idea remains the same and I believe we should let it stand.

Oh. Well, THAT is embarrassing.

Tomorrow's Headline: Romans get bored- invade Scotland.

Weird that the article omits the fact that these scientists were potentially HUGE Korn fans.

"Don't talk to me about names"

After reading this article I was pretty pumped.

What this article DOESN'T tell you is that this trick also gives you infinite lives and unlimited ammo.

If the "Wooden Ball" was made out of olives and I could easily pop it out and eat it post-rolling...this would be a no brainer.

Not cool enough for you guys, well what if I told you that plane was piloted by none other than Captain Paul Watson of the Sea Shepards and he is landing that plane on a Japanese Whaling Vessel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I, more than ANYONE, really want a "LEGO: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" game to happen.

Rihanna approves.

Popular culture bylaw #1284: Every group of 4+ males must have the "Zach Galifianakis" guy.
