
I'll wait for Lego Star Wars IV: A remake of a remake of a remake of a movie with already covered in 'The Complete Saga"!

Shortly after the bomb-bird exploded, Laura quickly learned how to play the similarly titled "Angry Parents".

My WoW account name was Lesstroud. I say "was" because once Survivorman ended I could no longer survive in Azeroth, and deactivated my account shortly thereafter.

@fraudbrand: They could probably charge $100.

If YouTube were like Kotaku, Tobuscus just got starred.

This guy should have bailed.

I had a feeling it had to do with the inability to wear his hat the correct way.

Well, I feel dumb now, but I had always wrapped it the wrong way and it started to come apart. I thought it was Apples fault. Oops.

@ezrashapiro: While I see the point you are trying to make, this has nothing to do with committing suicide nor is this the forum for that kind of discussion. Lighten up.

Ironically, I spent 20 seconds reading this post. Comment included.

I wish I had waited 17 years to watch the Doom movie. Terrible.

@justgent: Are you sure he is stuck in 19.....94?

The manager was overheard saying, "His product doesn't give us great service, so neither will ours."

He is also wearing Crocs.

"Tiger Woods was seen earlier today fist pumping at what appeared to be an internet sports blog."

I love how the goalie completely guessed the wrong direction, too.

I just can't play PC games.

Copyright infringement?