Ironically, this video is also used for Georgia Tech's recruitment.
Ironically, this video is also used for Georgia Tech's recruitment.
Soundtrack features 30 Seconds to Mars. Lame, I know.
@kiddicus: I agree 100%. It's already on my shelf. Needs to come out quicker. I don't know if it would have made a huge difference for THIS game in particular, but still.
Finally, a way I can convince people outside of my aunt and girlfriend to play Catan with me! The Xbox Live version is solid, the PS3 version is terrible, and I won't get the iPhone/iPad version til they add in wifi multi-player. That being said, where do I get a surface?
This is an exact copy of a video clip from the crowd at the only XFL game I ever attended. The only thing missing is the guy who got thrown out for having a 8-inch hunting knife.
@Don't View My Fusion: Well, I'd rather not have YOU at all.
Sure, this blows, but it was a Wii exclusive. Would you rather not have it at all?
@Samo: I bought a t-shirt that said it. Can't get more touristy than that!
@Samo: Ha, that is where it happened. Good call. Mind the gap.
@Samo: The one time I visited London someone tried to pickpocket me. It was a weak attempt but I thought it to be relevant.
Coming in 2012: "Kick-Ass 2: Game Over" (Now based on a true story!)
Somebody once asked "Could you spare some change for gas I need to get myself away from this place."
This would have never happened to Tim Tebow.
This feels a tad bit, I don't know, staged? No?
I'm not really a fan, but my friends Comic-Conned me into going. Apparently they needed a Captain America to complete the Avengers; the other Captain America got mono. Looks like a good time though, not gonna complain.
@BirdLaw: My problem isn't with the video subject, but rather the cat isn't playing hockey at all. It's a cat laying in the net having a ball hit into its stomach. If the cat were to have moved at ALL to actually stop the ball going in, I put this video in my top 10 LOLcat vids of all time. This cat was not playing…
After watching this video my browser automatically deleted Deadspin from my bookmarks. I need to turn off my "Things that shouldn't have been posted, ever" filter.
That clip made me want to break my Mario Kart disc.
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: lol kaiser gold