
If anyone upsets (or poisons) him enough that he stops perpetually smiling I will personally see to their slow and painful demise because Daniel Ricciardo is a fucking gem and nobody will change my mind.

Yes, but if you drive enough, tack $10,000 on for solar panels on your home’s roof and you may be able to save 10 gal of fuel a day if you replace a 20mpg vehicle, 13 if the old vehicle gets 15mpg. It adds up. A person that drives 35,000mi/yr like myself would save $6550/yr on fuel switching to “free” electric with

I fail to see the lack of safety. Stands on the K frame, jack as backup

USDM manufacturers be like: “Let’s make this paper thin piece of critical safety equipment, that is located in the wheel wells, out of rust-prone carbon steel”

Indeed. Cars are more expensive than ever. For some context the average new car price is around $34,000 these days. (A base Mustang GT starts at $35,355 without any decent options, but good luck finding one.) But as you note, it could be argued buyers are getting more than ever before—more power, more safety, more

Putinism in America is dangerous. It’s been disastrous for marginalized people in Russia, and is beginning to destroy what’s left of America. To reject the New Russian ideology is not xenophobic, it’s actually pretty goddamned patriotic. The authoritarian regime that controls Russia (and the the territories they’ve

Sweet! That chassis is a 2002 Jaguar R3

I don’t miss the days of changing a light bulb every few months.

1: Build cars

I’d call this more like a less annoying version of leaving the sticker on your flat brimmed hat than the plastic on the couch. 

Not a trucker shortage. It’s a pay shortage. 70 hours per week, non-synchronized transmission, drum brakes, and they’re paid by the mile.

Stop paying long haul truckers by the mile, first of all. They go through training that repeatedly tells them to drive to conditions, but then they get a job that requires they hit a certain mileage each day to keep a consistent paycheck. This is a system which encourages dangerous, aberrant behavior in a 72,000 lb

1st Gear: The trade war has been real since June when Crooked Trump started it with the stupid steel and aluminum tariffs. What’s going on now is Crooked Trump is just ratcheting up the tension so he can “solve” the crisis that he created.

You could literally improve every industry with this solution.

Neutral: How Would You Improve the Trucking Industry?

I support the wrapping decision. You have greater flexibility of colour choice, and it protects the factory paint of the vehicle underneath, should you want to sell the vehicle.

How have you been mislead to believe that this poll has ever been about what we can or cannot afford ourselves? It’s about what the car is worth in our subjective valuations. Sure, sometimes it’s a realistic purchase for folks, but you don’t judge these based on how much money is in your bank account. And why the hell

The company’s decision to stop making all cars except the Mustang, and switch to a lineup almost entirely made up of SUVs and pickup trucks which will definitely not blow up in its face as soon as gas prices spike

You have a point to an extent – but it’s the broad and haphazard application of these measures that is the problem. There’s plenty of reason to be pissed at China – but there are also reasons we want to trade with them. It takes nuance to address those issues without throwing blanket tariffs. Also if Chinese steel is

Neutral: I totally agree with a 50-state solution. The automakers already build to california standards. I would be ok with that being the 50-state solution. Maybe trump will even give himself a gold star declare how great his solution is. I live in MA which, IIRC, follows california’s emissions standards.