
Which auto maker do you work for again?

This is exactly my experience with the Audi automatic climate control. I set the temp to 74 when I bought the car and then only touch it to turn it off when I'm using the windows. Auto control works perfectly.

So they could electrocute an elephant at the IPO? 

Damn Mazda... My 2.5T came from the factory with 400hp and can be tuned to almost 700hp without major modifications. The ubiquitous EA888 is a 2.0T that gets 300hp and is tuneable. Really missing the mark in this golden age of HP.

How many more replies until this joke is just an empty husk?

You can land in Canada but then you are required to make a phone call to CBSA to declare and get authorization before you can come ashore.

This is pretty much my take. I’ve had manuals for the last 20 years and now I have a DSG because it’s all Audi puts in performance cars. I thought I’d be disappointed but when they're done well a DCT isn't bad. It actually makes the car closer to a race car, seeing as those haven't had 3 pedals for ages. 

I read the idea was that because the sats are in such low orbit the latency will be lower than the intercontinental undersea cables. So they can sell lower latency connections to market traders that need it at a huge premium, then use that cash cow to subsidize cheap developing world broadband.

Starlink better be worth it. If rural and developing world broadband coverage isn’t excellent we may need to gather the pitchforks and torches for Elon.

Meh, I’ve had smartphones since Android was a cupcake. I’ve tried cases and protectors but I’ve always preferred to keep the phone totally naked. In that decade or so of usage I’ve only had to replace one screen. The solution to that was to buy an iFixit toolkit for DIY work and stop letting children touch my phone (a

Yeah, I’m realizing that now that I searched around on xda. ATT blocks VoLTE on unlocked phones. Pretty bullshit on thier part. I was planning on replacing the nexus with a one+ 8 pro soon... They probably block that phone too since it's not branded. So I guess I'll just have to tell them to fuck off due to their

I got the email. It had a huge “Learn More” button that linked to a kb article which said in bold print that 3G wasn’t going away until 2022. So there was nothing wrong with the message.

One of the virtues of a manual transmission is it's mechanical simplicity (especially in a developing country where you're probably repairing your own shit). They've just ruined that by overcomplicating things and adding electronics. Sorry, this is a completely silly product. It's another engineered solution to a

Wife noticed on a road trip last weekend that the farther you get from civilization the more RVs and camper trailers you see at people’s houses. Presumably because people who live far from civilization desire to get even farther from civilization on vacation.

Rather amusing that CARB was created by Regan and now attacked by his acolytes.

Light blues are extremely popular in the tech industry. That was always my guess.

Nice. I didn’t get on that train early. I was a fan of hanging out at borders and media play. So I wanted amazon to fail.

Heh, I wonder if my eBay account is older than any of them. It is old enough to buy beer now (Mar 22, 1999)

You should lose your internet access for using the dude to peddle fictional conspiracy theories. 

You talk about the dot com boom like everything crumbled to rubble. The strong did survive. We got amazon, ebay, paypal, craigslist, pandora, godaddy... Just to name a few of the big ones off the top of my head.