
I came out of J school in 95, right after the passage of the Telecommunications Act and the first big push start of dot com as a thing. You could see right away that journalism was fucked because a) the people who cared enough about journalism to do it right thought the internet was a joke and b) those of us who were

The New York Daily News was not killed by a fucking market correction. Sinclair Media is not a fucking market correction. Peter fucking Thiel is not a fucking market correction. Fuck off with this “well, that’s just how it is” bullshit. This is a goddamn siege, and takes like this are how we’re losing it.

For journalists covering national news... Sure, I guess.

I’m just going to say it and start the war we all know is coming. I paid for a seat that reclines. Deal with it.

The chart could simply mean that we’ve gotten much better and likely more proactive about fighting forest fires since 1930.

Rolls-Royce and Bentley are owned by separate German companies.

Vape shop down the street from my office has not 1, not 2 but THREE employees that drive WRX’s.

That’s wife goals.

I think somehow a lot of people believe that tariffs are paid by somebody else in the supply chain; or that other countries as a whole are “paying” them.  If they were called taxes they’d be toxic to the supposed anti-tax crowd.  If they were called “make you pay more for stuff with no direct benefit to you” they’d

I think the right way to phrase that would be: “Tax funded programs that benefit the taxpayers are inherently good”.”

As a liberal myself, I would actually qualify this in that “benefit” means that an alternative method of arriving to the conclusion without government interference (or a method with less government

Mr Trump, here’s how a tariff would likely effect the economy.

I work for a US auto parts supplier. Recently we had a company wide meeting and the question came up “Why aren’t we seeing raises due to Trump’s tax cuts?” It actually got brought up twice. The answer was that the company wasn’t going to make any major financial decisions because of the uncertainty of tariffs. We

The strongest case for protecting the U.S. industry came from the United Auto Workers. Offshoring to low-wage countries including Mexico and China has hollowed out production in the U.S., and more autoworkers risk losing their jobs as the industry shifts to electric vehicles, said the union’s research director,

The EU has 10% tarriff on US Cars while the US has 2.5% on cars and 25% on trucks/vans (chicken tax), equating to an overall average tarriff of 16%. I am sure Germany would like nothing better than to zero out all tarriff. No one in Europe buys any US cars not named Mustang or Jeep and that will continue tarriff or no

The question in everyone’s mind is: will it monitor differences of 1.5 PSI between tires?

The question in everyone’s mind is: will it monitor differences of 1.5 PSI between tires?

Presently, women make the majority of car-buying decisions, about 85 percent, according to a 2015 report by CDK Global, a market research company.

I hope it's not an acronym. 


Does John Cena get another one?

I will bet you a signed dollar that Musk was not sober when he wrote those tweets.