
Sorry Bradley, cars have been cancelled due to lack of interest.

Wall Street and employer-sponsored healthcare. Two things that make sure the workers stay tied to mediocrity and the parasite class claims all the gains. I’m really afraid it will take something more disruptive than Silicon Valley to shake it up and shed the current thinking. 

But Sears just needs to stay the course! What if one day the internet goes out? Then, they’ll be ready!

Are they losing money because they have to discount their lobster so much because it’s shit compared to the lobster being sold at a profit in the restaurant across the street? Or is it just that they aren’t meeting the EBIT targets that Wall St. wants?

Literally the only reason I went to a ford dealer and bought a car was the ST line. Without those, I would have just bought a GTI and not bothered with Ford.

Two words - Scott Pruitt

I started this the other night. The thing that made me IMMEDIATELY turn it off was the constant uttering of the built not bought and the arguments that went along with it. Not because I have an opinion on that specifically (I have a nice built car and a nice bought car rn) but because I’m so GD sick of car shows that

Damn, that’s depressing enough that I have to wonder if the cuts were accidental or if that was just the nearest available sharp object.

ah yes, the famous and many GM front-wheel-drive enthusiasts

Please don’t tell me your yardstick for measuring all car interiors is a 1992 Buick Century.

Anybody who has a problem with this should be IP blocked for eternity.

There is, but in this case they had an onerous process to make the borrower prove it regularly. That’s just not normal behavior, and doesn’t pass the sniff test of risk reduction, but looks more like a profit center.

uh - The agncy prosecuting this case was created by the prior administration.This agency has returned millions to defrauded consumers and the current gang of thugs is trying mightily to close it down. Live and learn I always say.

Wells Fargo doesn’t even have the veneer of legitimacy - they are a criminal organization and should be shuttered.

Remember there are members of Congress that want to repeal Dodd Frank. Please write to them and tell them where they can shove their vote to repeal this bill.

I also find it SO funny that “Changing the names to letters and numbers” is de Nysschen’s one move.

Get with it! Letters are cool now. Who would possibly want a car called the Fleetwood, when they could drive the XRST-V, or the EIEIO?

Just bought a 1987 grand wagoneer. Rust free from california. Getting ready to bring it back to life

Yeah, basic is something like an Elise (also probably one of my favourite vehicle interiors):

If that was the explanation wouldn’t Tesla have said so?