
I’ll volunteer: you’ve mentioned plugging traffic and raising tensions as one good reason, but that doesn’t loudly address safety.

At the risk of sounding hypocritical because I do surrender to this temptation, being stopped at a red light does not absolve you of responsibility to pay attention.

“Prelude” is a really weird way to spell “S2000"

“Full Twitter Trump” perhaps. Going “Full Trump” is a vastly deeper hole of perfidy.

Maybe they should be called LUV (Luxury Utility Vehicle).

If somebody keeps promising you something and keeps being wrong, at what point do you start actually thinking “Hey, maybe, just maybe, this next promise might be wrong too?”

They’re supposed to. Should be handled by the crew chief overseeing the whole stop.

sure let’s blame technology... how about going back to spotters for all four corners to make sure everything is good before going green?

I think we should have less people performing the tire swap. A few guys handling multiple jobs is way more important than 28 dudes each doing one simple step.

I don’t even want an RS Avant. By all account they aren’t liveable, dailyable cars. S4 Avant? I’ll take it. But it won’t happen because Audi’s a bunch of pussies these days.

You know what Herbert Diess should do to rattle the cages? Give us the GODDAMNEDMOTHERFUCKING GOLF R WAGON. Respectfully.

Jalopnik should buy this car, seriously. You guys could show up to Radwood and completely shut the place down.

No one beats the ridiculously encyclopedic collective knowledge of Jalopnik! You should get Comment of the Week for this and the fabricator of this car should have some kind of YouTube tribute. The quality of the assembly and the design he achieved from a huge mish-mash of parts is amazing. With a few tweaks, would be

How about just no TSA and go back to what it was before with just metal detectors. Why do we need the TSA? What have they done for us?

“And yet humans have no sympathy for machines”

No, autonomous cars do not have a better record than human drivers, who average 1.18 fatalities per 100 million miles of driving. Uber had a fatality after only 3 million miles. Tesla has had two fatalities in probably less than 100 million miles on autopilot. Autonomous cars do not have enough miles in real world

With industrial profits rising like crazy (hello wealth gap), guess who benefits from all the environmental cost cutting? CEOs, high net worth individuals and institutional investors. Guess who receives ZERO benefit from these profits? The middle class. All that extra profit does nothing for YOU, but it definitely

News Flash New York Taxi Industry is Corrupt!!!!

Remember the Bill Clinton impeachment? Remember what that special counsel was for? Hint: nothing to do with boning interns in the White House. It was the Whitewater controversy, which ended up being a wash from a legal standpoint. Regardless, Clinton still faced impeachment for obstruction of justice because he lied

Neutral: I’d much rather be actually driving than sort-of driving while also babysitting a nagging robot.