
Your saying people should have common sense?

She said that the leak of classified information was “kinda fun”.

The US has a long, sordid history of rugged individualismthat is mostly bullshit. Politicians appeal to that idea and get people to go against their own best interests so the politicians can funnel money to their buddies instead of building a society.

Came here to post this. They may be referring to Russia’s Ambassador to the U.N., Vitaly Churkin. As far as I can tell, Kislyak is still alive. 

Sergey Kislyak is not dead I’m not sure where you are coming from on that.

There is no far left in America.

The Civil War was about more than slavery

“Some of those men were fighting for their homes, where they were born and raised”

Yeah, Obamacare is shit. What else would you expect from a healthplan engineered by insurance lobbyists, the Heritage Foundation and Mitt fucking Romney? The only way to actual affordable, universal health care is Medicare for All. And the Republican plan doesn’t get us any closer to that.

Also, did you *premiums* double, or did your *employee contributions* double?

I think you might have the chicken in front of the egg.

The president should take vacations, but what this guy is doing is just abusing the shit out of a privilege that we all pay for—or perhaps more accurately we make payments on it while sinking deeper and deeper into the debt that self-described “fiscal conservatives” pretend to care about whenever they are out of

Holy shit, you mean the last FORTY YEARS of people concerning themselves with price instead of manufacturing origin increasing transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthiest, combined with stagnant wages, has squeezed consumers to the point where raw affordability becomes the overwhelming concern in

You want health coverage and affordable housing?

Great. How about you finish the series instead.

The are figuratively burning money. Literally burning diesel.

Monocultures like palm oil aren’t the only ones endangering life. Corn, squash, potatoes, lemons, apple orchards are all monocultures. Shade-grown coffee on the other hand is wonderful because it creates a forest. Birds use these farms, they mitigate climate change and can handle drought. This can be done with most

All I heard was “liberate tuteme ex inferis”. I think we should send a manned spaceflight to explore!

THIS! The skills they demand will get you more money elsewhere - it’s the same thing with schools! We’re seeing a massive teacher shortage because the pay is shit and the profession is despised by society at large and a punching bag for politicians. Why the hell would I want to spend 65 hourse each week dealing with