
Extremely rare? I’d call that extremely well done.

The cars optimized to do one thing and one thing only. To be honest this is a breath of fresh air compared to alot of auto manufactures that try to make a car with the mentality to do all things well, but make a marginal car at best. I’m talking to you Fwd small->medium sized SUVs that do nothing well.

Mr. Crissey’s logic – and yours, by extension – is fundamentally backwards. Labor is an expense, and a necessary one. Profits are literally the money that’s left over after expenses. To run a business properly, you must pay your expenses before you start taking money out of it.

I prefer the Japanese term Marobashiwhich is like a mellower form of Banzai!” — more like Lets do it!Because f*ck it, everything you own is slowly making its way to the trash can. Might as well enjoy it while you can and stop worrying. All that does it take your life away, both now and in the end.

Thank you, been saying this for over a year now.

*Unless it’s a Lexus.


“As good fortune would have it, we had a bodyguard that summer,” she writes. They persuaded their bodyguard to buy lemonade, and then their driver, and then the maids, who “dug deep for their spare change.” The lesson, she says, is that the kids “made the best of a bad situation.”

I suppose anything can be turned into a projectile if you stick a nail through it.

“The car, according to Blue Ribbon News, was donated to the Genesis Center by a local resident battling cancer:

What part of capital GAINS is not clear?

Just so you know, that’s a massively stupid argument.

thats really bad logic. sorry. just because you bought an asset with post-tax dollars, that does not mean you ‘paid taxes twice’ when that thing makes you more money.

Besides reacting to the Iraq-Kwait SNAFU (caused, in part, by his ambassador in Iraq saying hte US wouldn´t mind if Saddam invaded Kwait), what else is noteworthy in GW’s administration. Even this tax raise didn´t stop the american economy from being in the pits (a leftover, I’ll agree, from the Reaganomics).

My dogs love sticking their head out the window, but I get hella paranoid when they do. It’s ridiculous, but I think they’re going to jump or fall out, LOL. So with a car harness, they’d be able to still stick their head out the window?

lol at considering a demented old fart who literally committed treason a “good” president. Reagan is very high up on the “worst presidents ever” list and, surprise, he was a shitty movie star.

I expected this sooner, actually. *sips tea* The man in the Office of the President of the United States is not one known to be transparent when people ask him for something that will not lead to his aggrandizement. As sad as it is to say, his is precisely what he called himself in season 2 of the Apprentice: a

We use the Ruffwear Load-up harness, it has some type of metal clips (aluminum probably) rather than the plastic shown on the harness that launched the dog out of the seat in the clip above. It was one of two that were crash tested with these dog-dummies at the time we purchased it and it does seem extremely well made

i agree with you to a point, if youre doing stuff for the dog then the car ride is ok things like going to a dog park or boarding and grooming and stuff like that, but just running errands for yourself around town youre right theres no reason to bring your dog

This comment is beyond stupid. How would I take my dog hiking or other activities that enrich his life? This is fine if you have a small shitty dog that is useless and basically just a stuffed teddy bear, but never taking your large working class dog anywhere is pretty much torture for him. I’m guessing you’ve never