

You can buy a 2013 REAL M3 that’s still under warranty for the same price this guy wants for this 16 year-old non-M3, horribly modified, ostentatious pile with an engine of unknown origin/pedigree/mileage. Hmmm, that’s a tough decision.

still looks like ass, the exposed rivet fad needs to die

I wish there was more commenting on articles like this. It’s kind of amusing though that when Giz writers drop some op-eds about climate change or various other things or, God forbid, Trump policy as it relates to U.S. education, STEM, and science in general, you have a cadre of neckbeards who flock in like “Hurr

Promises were made without understanding the reality of the situation.

I was once suspended from a white family run business. My position was office admin but I had warehouse experience so when they wanted to open a new warehouse I offered my assistance from every aspect. I cleaned, opened early to let contractors in, and even designed the layout while driving the forklift to fill the

“Saturn is having a moment.”

That’s only true for thermobaric weapons, like fuel-air bombs and I think the Daisy-Cutter that preceded the MOAB. The MOAB is, despite some confusion about its name (airblast in this case just means it explodes while still airborn as opposed to on impact or penetration), a big ol’ conventional bomb. just a shitload

Exactly! When I need to transport something big/heavy/dirty I head on down to U-Haul.

I guess my problem with BSG that I didn’t have with Lost is that while we looked to Dharma to answer some of the questions about what is happening on the island. “Magic” was always hinted at and by some actually proclaimed throughout the series. BSG while major players were lead by their beliefs and even the Cylon’s

California has the sixth largest economy in the world.

You just summed up the central problem with the whole thing though.

Nearly every major mystery was answered with a lazy “IT’S MAGIC!”, with a couple of leftovers relying upon human stupidity.

People were pissed off about the Lost ending for *exactly* the same reason that they were pissed off with the Battlestar ending;


We will disagree there. IMO, it was neither decent, nor SciFi. At best, it was an action film marred by awful performances by Liv Tyler and Ben Affleck, saved to a degree by fun hammy performances by Willis and Buscemi, and little to no science whatsoever.


I suppose looking for the orange blobs is becoming second nature to our nations camera people.

They better call it something like the Top Repurposed Image Scanner (Thanks, AustraliaNs!)

When I hear “mobility company” I think of a company that makes equipment to help elder and handicapped people get around. Are we sure Peugeot-Citroën isn’t going to get into the wheelchair business? 

I remember early on when I heard of it, for two friggin’ days I thought this shit was a real story, because everything looked really legit. I was so relieved when I found the production website. The grassroots marketing and lack of information worked really well.

Compared to what the Stanley Cup has gone through, that’s nuthin