
No, adding additional structure for crash tests added weight.

Can it finish a hot lap at VIR yet?

They don’t because Republicans are afraid making it easier to vote means more minorities will vote. It’s really as simple as that.

Actually neither invented donut holes which were a staple of your local mom and pop bakery back in the day when the holes used to actually be the holes.

masturbation. *mic drop*

200k KM’s is 125,000 miles roughly, in 8 years that would require driving 15.6k miles per year. Most people aren’t going to get that far, especially since it’s tougher to use one for road trips.

If you don’t want to deal with regulators and lawyers, do something that doesn’t involve the safety of human lives.

While I do agree with most of your statement. I would still say that the show being as popular as it is, despite it’s obvious flaws in terms of writing, acting, and pacing, is still quite disappointing. Is the show bad? no, not at all. It is expertly shot, with beautiful makeup effects. There are some GREAT episodes

Out of pure curiosity what on earth about that episode gave you any hope of the show being watchable?

Season 4 and 5.

More interested to see next week’s ratings...

Not entirely.

I’ve done and still do an ass-load of coding, and I agree with you somewhat but I always put things like that in a file even if it’s not expected to change to avoid ever needing to modify the source code, which requires a re-test cycle.

Hersh? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Dude… First off… He himself objected to that article. The author issued an apology for that article. Learn to internet better.

Bernie was not a perfect candidate. The media would have scoured his past looking for any sign of misconduct. He was never subjected to the kind of scrutiny Hillary received.

No. We’ve been doing this for decades. Decades before Clinton became SoS. That was not something she did unilaterally. That is not something she is responsible for. In fact, had she stepped up and said that we wanted to break off all military alliance with governments that fund AQ/ISIS… Like SA, Turkey and Pakistan…

Seriously. “Nobody likes” is not the only issue with Trump and how he doesn’t know or care about the Constitution or international laws prohibiting war crimes or the rights of women not to be molested.

Okay, I dug into this (licensed architect), and I can’t come up with any zoning infraction. I’m 98% sure I tracked down the lot, which is zoned “AR-1" (Agricultural Residential 1). It is the least restricted and most common zoning in the county and is only used in areas far removed from urban or sub-urban areas.

In my

I’m by no means a Clinton fan, as she has stood on positions in opposition to my own views many times. However, Trump is a bag of random deceit. His positions have regularly changed wildly, and his relationships with facts, truth, and quotes from his own history are clearly broken.