
This is from a different story about a woman moved because two Buddhist monks didn’t want to sit next to a woman while flying from Orange County to Houston. Did United send the statement to you directly Evan or did you pull it from somewhere else?

We only called it an endo up here on bicycles, and only when you go end-over (or, in euphemistic terms, “ass over teakettle”). But the spirit of endo works. :)

Thought ‘bout that a little. Trek style atmospheric shields, like for shuttlebays is easy, just use smart liquid film. For real shields you need tense layer of particles at very high speeds or laser layer (to obliterate anything coming at you). In any case, high energy requirements, with charged particles you can use

I was thinking that a quickly deployable airbag system for motorcycles would be commonplace by then.

Tabby is pissed that there is nothing incriminating in these emails.

In my experience, the two major tools for tax reduction/avoidance for US taxpayers are:

1st Gear: LOL Yeah It Was - and still is

I am with this guy. If you can do some of the wrenching yourself, you will save yourself a ton of money. I was quoted $400 to replace spark plugs on my ‘06 Cayman S from and independent shop. I can get plugs for $40 that are the same things as OEM, they just don’t say Porsche on them. That and a couple of hours in

The crime is endangering everyone they share a roadway with.

Yeah I knew that other countries used committees made up of peopel from the healthcare industry and government to negotiate the prices. They obvisoulsy are not nearly as profit driven as we are due ot single payer. I didn’t know how the prices were negotiated herein the US. This opened my eyes to how the drugs are

That feel, when you realize Super Bowl commercials cost more than quality programming...

“I have a PRHT, it replaces wind noise with creaks and rattles. Potato Patahto.”

Thanks to their donor support model, they don’t have to be quite as worried about losing any sponsor; and the sponsors know it. Lumber Liquidators was in a much worse situation earlier this year when their products had dangerous levels of formaldehyde in it.

The people negotiating the drug price also have an incentive to make the price higher.

“Pharmacy-benefit managers, or PBMs, oversee drug-benefit plans for employers and health insurers. Their job is to hold down the cost of providing those benefits, which they do by choosing which drugs to cover and using that

The other auto injector was faulty and giving the wrong dose. The FDA did its job- are people supposed to die because you have these bullshit political ideas? Mylan started price gouging the day the problem was found and the other product recalled. You need to read some history about how people were poisoned by the

Bitching about the FDA is counterproductive and just makes libertarians sound even more like cranks. With the benefits they have provided and continue to provide to our society it shouldnt even be a discussion.......

Like ‘The Law of Averages’.

Well, in this case it’s not Dvorsky doing that, it’s the LA Times article that he is very lightly paraphrasing.