
Now, I should note that I am a bit reticent to post this, because I know this is not how most car people feel about automotive detailing.

God that interior is grizzly. I can’t even bear to look at it.

Reverse: T-Bird!

It does in the bigger picture when you consider that, in light of these severe consequences, no auto manufacturer will ever try this shit again.

I think this is verrrrrrrrrrrrry likely. Remember, Cersei is prophesied to be killed by a brother. Everyone just assumes that’s Tyrion. This is very much a GRRM-type twist.

There are several legitimately great ideas in here. I had to go with the shady mod testbed, though. The thought of watching this car being subjected to all manner of shitty-ass modifications was too much to pass up. I only hope that the guy who suggested it is heavily insured.

OK, I clocked it. The slide takes :04. That’s $25 for four seconds of slide.

I guess this is an exploit, but really at the point you are watching it you can copy it due to the analog hole, so I don’t see why its an issue.

Dude, GTFO.

That Viper is best Viper (although I prefer blue with white stripes).

Now playing

This is a video of how to use the shifter prior to the recall. This is going to sound callous as fuck but honestly I don’t see why people are fucking this up. There are 2 indicators of the gear selected (one on the dash and one on the shifter) and the car ends up in reverse instead of park when you fuck up the shift

TGAC(Top Gear After Clarkson) is horrible. It has nothing to do with the hosts although the Screaming Guy does suck pretty bad. It’s more the producing and writing. I bet you could take an old script and run the Joey and Screaming Guy through it and it would be a decent show. Obviously that won’t work as we’ve seen

Cillit Bang? I read that differently for a second......

I assume you mean the so-called “Garage 56 entry?” Yeah that’s pretty great. To be clear though to qualify the car has to either have some new technology, or at least otherwise be a novel endeavor like this year’s, and there is some committee somewhere that chooses/approves it.

I want to know where they’re coming up with a difference of less than 7%. The fastest lap in LMP2 was 3:36.259 and the best that the Ford GT ran was 3:51.514. By my math, that means the GT’s time was 107.05% of the LMP2's time.

FWIW, Akio Toyoda also seems to have their back on a return:

Do you even jetstream blue bro?

I totally get that. But that doesn’t mean the car is worth $5500. Looking at completed auctions on ebay these things seem to top out at about $4000.

Yep, which IMO is why as long as it doesn’t overly penalize them and make them slower than the rest it’s still effectively an advantage. Most of the team drivers and the team itself should have a pretty good idea of how the car will perform with the modifications. Competing drivers will not. Honestly I think everyone

What they need is an official track and seasoned race car driver to set non-biased laps and set BOP based on this.