
One of my closest friends served in Afghanistan, and he was there just to pay for college (and hates getting thanked).

You know? Fuck no-fly lists. They’re pretty useless. I want to see the firearms equivalent of SIP laws. Nearly every state has laws in place to make bartenders culpable if they serve to intoxicated persons. They may not be well enforced, but they’re there and legal precedent.

2nd Gear: There are also those of us who never or almost never fly any longer, due to how onerous the flying experience has become. Even a day-long Amtrak trip or drive can be faster than flying, and far more pleasant.

The taxi looks a lot like a Hindustan Ambassador with a slightly smaller grille.

More like: We have a 45nm transistor based processor, and birds use a 18nm one

Judging from popular novels and movies, probably more dystopianism.

I think she ruins the character of Cat though. LSH is vengeful and doesn’t have a moral compass, she is willing to kill anyone that she thinks may have wronged her, including Brienne and Pod.

Exactly, if these are anything like the 500 abarths, you’ll be able to boost the hell out of it and a 2400 lb car with 200-220 hp and matching torques should be HILARIOUS.

Present-day people are a bunch of superstitious primates, why would our ancestors be any smarter?

It’s impossible to make a car good enough for you, cheap enough for us. Why can’t you just love your own expensive sport car and let us passionately love the best we can get for our pitiful peasant means?

I remember reading these books back in the day before the show started and the cultural/internet phenomenon began, and it never clicked for me that LSH should be the wildly popular fan favorite that she is. Reading posts/comments online about her later on, I was kind of blown away by how disproportionately popular she

Needs more McDonald’s logos.

Our marketing team is always asking me to design shit like this into our new products, it’s maddening. Engineers don’t really handle anything outside of the “sell the best product at the lowest price” sales strategy.

Was thinking plastic. In my dream world the stuff can be bought in flexible sheets that could be glued on with a strong adhesive.

Keyword, “Accepted”. Accepted by who, and why do they matter? A lot of people accept “Beemer/Beamer” for the car. I know the history of the words and why they are used as such. I’m just saying that, slang, nicknames, word definitions, and the like, change all the time. All it takes is a majority to “accept” and adopt

“nutritionist” - there’s your problem: a “nutritionist” is a meaningless title, requiring no licensing, certificates, or education. Anyone and everyone one can declare themselves a nutritionist.

You are a fucking psycho.

High 90s, low 100s was my budget and went with the GT4. The GTR may be a much faster car, but I’ve been very happy with it.

Sure... but what makes anyone inclined to believe a child over experts in the field? Sure, they could be wrong, but it’s FAR more likely that the kid with no experience or advanced education is wrong.

I’ve always loved the “we’ve moved beyond the need for economic greed” aspect of the Star Trek universe, but keep one thing in mind. What you see on the shows is how life is in the military. It’s like trying to show what it’s like to live in our universe by only showing life aboard an aircraft carrier and Navy bases.