
I really don't like the idea of drilling into my antique hardwood window frames. Shouldn't the shut window be able to hold the unit in?

Then wouldn't you go with an He3 fusion reactor?

Unfortunately eat the rich (ETR) doesn't scale well. Though it is renewable.

Big problem with natural gas is we have to get leakage under control. Methane is a hell of a greenhouse gas. 

Yeah, they gave thier market share to the Koreans. Which could also happen to cars.

Maybe they should put "? Ton" on the label next time.

Yeah, Max has a head so big it barely fits in the car with him.

You forgot Audi’s virtual cockpit. Which is a nice blend of digital flexibility and skeuomorphism.


Yeah it’s too bad it’s being killed, everytime I saw one in the wild I thought it was a very handsome car.

Yeah, I vented about this yesterday as well. It's gotten pretty out of hand. The data and battery sucking autoplaying video garbage is also doing this terrible thing where it floats to the top of the screen on scrolling and stays there blocking half the text. So you combine that with the bottom overlay ad they

Sweet, the site is back to being an unreadable mess on mobile. Now not only do the annoying video boxes autoplay to waste data and battery but they stick at the top of the page blocking half the text. Combine that with the recent bottom 1/4 overlay ad blocking even more text (whatever text does exist in small chunks

The modern 2.5 TFSI 5 cyl is pretty good too.

I find it bananas that people on a car enthusiast site talk about them as depreciating assets not emotional purchases.

Santander made 7.8 billion EUR in profit last year. A $65 million fine and a write off of bad loans seems like a pretty light slap on the wrist.

Sounds like the mayor's son has been streaming the wire in quarantine.

Seriously. Granted on TNG they had to save humanity in the first episode. But after that they went almost two seasons without being shot at.

This over saturation of Trek content leads me to believe CBS has looked at the data and noticed all people watch on AA is the Star Trek catalog.

It would be hopelessly slow due to all the advertising they would build in. 

Pretty similar. My wife is an RN so she's using the car to avoid catching plague on her preferred public transportation.