
My wife is an RN so the car is still getting used while she avoids public transportation.

Im looking at the $ value increase not kwh usage, so I don't think there's any unit price break in effect here. My supplier is a green energy co-op though so they probably can't afford to eat a cost cut.

“average rider" in Japan is probably a significantly lighter load than an American would be.

On the flip side of that environmental cost coin is that my electric bill went up about 15% since I've been working remote.

Hey neat. The comments work.

The good wife eh, maybe I’ll try that before my trial is up. I like Jean Grey. I also forgot Elementary was on CBS. That was excellent but somehow not available on AA. The movie tab is also still blank. So I’m not sure what the OP is talking about with the paramount catalog. 

Hmm. I got the pandemic 2 month free trial and asside from the star trek and twilight zone content i got it for, it’s all pretty bad. Has CBS made a good show in 30 years?

They're just compressed air thrusters.

I remember reading somewhere that cockroaches and lobster are close genetic cousins 


Road & Track was better without truck issues. 

I hate rectangles.

Kinja has always been a mess, but it would be nice if the comments would at least load without multiple page refreshes.

This is what wraps are for. Bonus points for protecting the OEM paint so the boring non color is fresh when resold.

He said he wanted RWD or AWD.

Oh yeah forgot you needed 4 doors. Yeah you're pretty screwed on that front. Theres really nothing <$40k. 


The mustang is basically all that's left in that area of the market. Unless you want to pay Golf R money.

They need to stop price gouging in my area. Shit is still near 2.50 🤬

Im already preparing myself for the disappointment of this game ending prematurely.