
Tax deductions.

I just keep a pair of the darkest sun glasses I could find in my car.

Do people really care about pickup exterior design refreshes? I always thought trucks were about utility not style. But I grew up in a town of 2000 people in a county with more cows than people, so I know nothing about the needs of the suburban commuter.

So the regulation is that you can make a sculpture of a car but can’t make a sculpture out of a car... That’s interesting. I hope she wins.

Thanks Marv, without this I would not know hood ornaments look really bizarre on modern designs.

I keep hoping the rear quarter camo is hiding some glass. Otherwise this will rival the Camaro for visibility.

Actually surprised at how bad the NSX is on highway. Though the city number is pretty good.

None of that is exclusive to the suburbs (except having an acre of yard... That’s what parks are for.) I bet I also pay less in taxes by a long shot on my 3000 sq.ft. 150yr old urban house (which also has a detached and heated 2 car garage).

There’s hundreds of nice cities that do not suffer the same space constraints and real estate cost problems of Manhattan.

You’re also being green. It’s far more energy efficient to heat the surfaces you touch than all the air in the cabin which is rapidly being cooled back down by the glass.

When I got my mk3 TTS this Summer I thought I would miss gauges... Shockingly I don’t. I fucking love the virtual cockpit digital dash thingy... By the time I got home with the car I was already past mourning the analog needles and dials.

Yikes... this is up there with the dramatically illiterate folks who thought their cable cut out at the end of Sopranos.

meh, rich people gotta do something with their tax refunds...

could just read the book by (IIRC) the people that coined the names... everything i’m spouting out now is based on reading Generations like a decade ago.

Generational naming is much newer than most think. The boomers were the first one to get a name, those before them were retroactively assigned and since the boomers had a name they used the default unknown variable of “x” for the upcoming generation. That paradigm carried into y and now z. They could go to ‘a’ next or

Fyi, millennials are gen y. That was just the place holder until demographers came up with something fitting. X just never got a name because the nameless moniker ended up fitting us pretty well.

333 doesn’t look like a Ferrari because it’s a Dallara with a Ferrari engine. Though I do wish someone would get me 355 challenge car for Christmas.

Panels charge a battery for local storage before dumping excess to the grid.

Could be worse for him, could be the guy at my office who charges is volt on rooftop solar... So he only visits gas stations annually, and that’s primarily due to to the fuel aging not usage.

Thanks for being a sane person.