
He does have a point. If you take the time to look up federal dependency you’ll see that Kentucky, Mississippi, Alabama, and West Virginia are 4 of the top 5 most dependant on Federal wealth transfer from richer states. And you don’t have to leave the top 10 to include South Carolina and Tennessee.

And why not fly everywhere when you’re getting a tax break on the jet. ;)

And they forgot the “get rid of loopholes part”.

And they own 39% of the nations net worth, while the bottom 80% control 11%. It makes perfect sense for those that reap the biggest rewards to carry more tax burden. If they pay thier employees more and themselves less they will cut thier own taxes. That’s the whole point of progressive taxation, disincentivise

Yeah and that’s a symptom of the huge problem that’s still not being addressed. Far too many people are working full time jobs and not being paid enough to contribute. Doubling (or is it triple now) down on failed trickle down tax breaks for the ownership class will certainly not help the ever widening inequality gap.

Trying to treat your daily like a show car is futile in 4 season climates. Hell, ice crystals and 60mph salt water spray does more damage than any car wash. So, just using your car as a car in winter is damaging.

Oh yeah. People were modding them to over 100mpg a decade ago so now it would be cake. Hell even getting rid of the heavy ass conventional batteries for lithium would push it higher. Amazing that my friend’s is still on the road and happily running, though his is still all OEM. IIRC the battery needed replacing after

And the proofing of the copy is in similar condition to these cars. Isn’t this guy also refusing people’s low ball offers because he knows what he’s got? If someone offered > salvage value for a car you have to scrap... Fucking take it Ron.

Not just manual... You could get it without AC for even more savings. Really was the best hybrid for those really interested in hypermile highway runs.

The CRZ should have been the second gen Insight. Would have fixed two problem cars with one badge.

Even if solar powered it’s still a conspicuous waste and soaked in irony given the reason to celebrate. Photovoltaics and batteries aren’t pollution neutral and the KWh they could be putting into the grid is a lost opportunity to offset polluting sources. You’re initial reaction holds, they look stupid doing this.

Aren’t those Sam Barris? His brother seemed like the one with taste.

Must be generational thing... I’ve never seen a George Barris creation I really liked. This one doesn’t change the trend.

Winter beaters are lame.

The cassette tape was an audio fidelity abomination. It should stay dead.

Yeah that sounds like natural selection.

What next? Criminalize victims of violence who weren’t defending themselves by carrying a gun? I’d rather live in a society where we don’t make criminals out of victims. An unlocked door is not a gift.

She is right ... 7 is the discount rate if it has less than 100k on it. She’d probably as a stranger for 8.

More big government overreach trying to get in the way of honest business just trying to get the most out of cheating customers. I miss the good old days when lying, cheating, and stealing we’re “just business”.

Google is your friend.