
They made something like 6 TV seasons and a couple movies.

First season was fantastic, went downhill fast after that.

The early web viral marketing was genuinely good... The film... Not so much.

Do galaxies work without a black hole in the middle?

Wife and I have been using a Miata as our only car for 6 years now. We need to “upsize” to something with a parcel shelf back seat for the dog now... But seriously no complaints, the 1 time a year I need a truck I just rent one. And two weeks of groceries still fit in the trunk, most people just suck at packaging.

Aaah... Surprise oragami transformer face.... WTF

Biometric data acquisition unit is admittedly harder to sell people on compared to fitness tracker.

Soooo... What’s this company do or make?


Yep, unintended consequences of executive compensation with stock rather than salary.

Yes I know.

Added latency is what I’m referring to.

That doesn’t do a smokey burnout (unless you have hellcat power), need to brake stand for more than a squealing peel out from the DQ.

Here’s my problem with VPN. It’s paying extra to slow down my connection. I suppose the only truly comprehensive solution is to split a T3 lease with your neighbors.

I’m describing my house in Buffalo... 😉

Same people found issue with Jesus Christ Superstar... Zealots are humorless by nature.

Surprising to not see Ichi the Killer... Probably the worst torture porn I’ve ever had “recommend” to me. IIRC it was banned in a few European countries for the sadism.

Thankfully natural gas is quite cheap in frack country... Just don’t drink the water.

Last I checked having only two pedals makes it substantially easier.

One of the few bonuses to being in the depressed rust belt. 3000 sq.ft. house =$473/Mo including taxes and insurance.