
I am still very much on the same topic, and I have no issues to project, I’m quite content. I am merely illustrating why I completely disagree with the value judgement you started this with. Your beliefs about debt and education are applicable to your situation and worked for you. There are no absolute rules in this

Well that’s great that you’re way is of course the best way. My way involved being mentally ill, dropping out of high school with a GED into the school of hard knocks and closed doors. Getting the cheap two year degree I could afford to still be frustrated by low opportunity and poor mental health. Taking on a house

So how did you get from zero net worth small town birth to middle class economic stability?

Correct, a government run like a private family business is called a dictatorship.

Excuse? It’s a necessity when you don’t do well in the birth lottery.

I can get on this train of thought. The X1 is way more hatchback than SUV.

Yeah and ease back on the defensive reactions. Im asking what they “broke” in a normal race suspension that makes it do the unnatural thing it is doing.

Wow, how intentionally fucked is the suspension if the car picks up a front tire in a drift like that gif? 🤣

The manual I learned on did not have a functional speedo. So I learned that in an 88 mercury tracer 1st gets you moving, 2nd is for parking lots, 3rd is for 25-35mph roads, 4th for 40-45 and 5th for highway. Worked pretty well.

This is Sydney... She gets the appeal of a Miata.

Yet they keep trying to sell us OneDrive....

Also crazy that she never deleted any threads. Who keeps 4 year old texts? Lawyers especially should know the importance of lifecycles on communication data. If you delete it they can’t subpoena it.

Looks like the impact from the brake check bump pushed something into the left front tire. It then gave up a bit down the road. Was a very blow out looking swerve.

It’s a guys surname.

Now playing

Fichtner can do dark comedy at least... His role in “Go” was pretty unforgettable.

I suppose a woman hosting would still be a bridge too far for America huh?

They don’t want you to see their catalog shrink to the small subset of stuff you actually want to see. With that view you could more easily make a value judgement at renewal time.

Be nice if they could tie it to an IMDB profile.

Outliers carry no weight in a large data set... Pretty sure a behavioral algorithm could provide good general information, certainly better than thumbs up. Of course they could easily leave a manual edit available for those that actually give a shit.

Probably because the Z3 2.?i isn’t very good. It’s slow, and without the shrink wrapped fender flares and M accents it’s quite average in the looks department.