
Yeah, when you grow up rural the school teachers are the ones with the fancy houses because there is only one Doctor and no lawyers. Now that I’m a city dweller I find it insane that my parents were jealous of school teacher money. Relativity is a bitch.

Censorship? Last I checked businesses not wanting your toxic ass attached to thier brand was “just business”. It’s not censorship until the government or law enforcement gets involved. These anti media alt right trolls really need to get a clue about how free speech works.

There’s something really wrong going on with the rear haunches that I cannot get past.

Even my dog wears her seatbelt. Some people are too stubborn/stupid for me to comprehend. So I agree that the best option I’ve seen anyone mention is this: get rid of all seatbelt laws and let insurance companies off the liability hook for unbelted injury. Being responsible for the medical bills might change some

That’s the best interlock idea by far.

At least appropriate correctly... War on Terror™ goes back to W. Can’t pin that whole mess on dear leader.

Awesome! Plebian M2 low mile early turn in here I come. Thank you BMW! Every good enthusiast car needs a prestige bullshit package so the good one can actually be enjoyed by people that want one rather than people who want “the most expensive one”.

The hypothesis presented is that by increasing the surface ice it will reflect more solar energy back into space rather than it being absorbed into the Arctic ocean. Less about cooling and more about limiting continued warming. Probably better to just put huge screens out at the L1 point to filter radiation before it

Of course they didn’t. FWD power sliding is called understeering into a curb.

I always love how the DARE programs use hot cars seized from dealers.

“... for $199 refurbished.”

“... for $199 refurbished.”

When I read about this on the Verge it was said that the brinks truck was for engineering staff.

I would have called him ghillie.

One thing he seems to have a good grasp on is the notion that it’s easier to be infamous than famous.

Limit stockpiles and you limit the cost of maintaining the arsenal and the opportunity for broken arrows. Lowering the ammount of warheads in the world is always beneficial to everyone.

Seems like the content of policy, treaty, bilateral agreement, whatever, is irrelevant to dear leader if Obama did it. Welcome to the Trumpster Fire™ Russia, you get what you pay for. 

Exactly what I was going to say. CISO just sets direction and overall security posture. So long as the architects, engineers, and operators are still on the job it will have little impact on day-to-day threat protection.

You should read up on the early days of gasoline refueling. It’s very interesting.

Similar shot from Juno cam definitely looks a bit out of focus compared to voyager.

So.... We’re supposed to be simpathetic to poor dealers who continue to also fight Tesla to keep thier protected middle man status in state government?