
Whenever I see a $20,000,000+ Ferrari I’m usually inclined to think before seeing the car, “there’s no way that’s ever possible.” Yet, every time I see the car referenced, I always think “I guess that seems right.”

Did the crane collapse interrupt a Howard Stern fan meeting in the first vid?

Funny, there was no “What Will Happen To The Value Of My Saturn” article...

Nothing better than watching natural selection happen instantaneously.

Sweet sassy molassy that sounds good.

For years to come, this car is going to be the example of how you market a car the complete wrong way. From inception to production (still waiting on that), this has been a complete flop. Any excitement that this car originally garnished has now been dead for many years. RIP NSX.

Try selling one NSX first. One.

It’s really unfortunate that your back will be completely broken by the suspension by the end of the year, but we appreciate your sacrifice.

Looks great for 1998.

Invite only?

I actually respect that Guy Fie..... is that a fucking koi on his “chefs” jacket? Nevermind. He can go fuck himself.

I worked very briefly at Lexus and we employed the same method. The customers that were the biggest target were those that had a fair amount of equity in their car, that way it would be much easier to get a person out of their current car and into a new car for the same price, while the dealership would make a pretty

You win. Came here to post a story, but nope, it’s all you buddy.

I’ve never felt so much secondary embarrassment in my entire life.

Aka Jeremy Clarkson will never go back to Argentina, which probably was the plan anyway... Time well spent, Argentinian Judge.