
Best gymkhana car ever. Best gymkhana track ever. BEST GYMKHANA EVER!!!!!!!

Is anyone bothered that these are just renderings?

"My legs were covered in wet and stink..."

Apparently there are weight and height restrictions for people who want to drive these cars. For the c type, d type and xkss, you can't weigh more than 210 lbs, or be taller than 6'3 or shorter than 5'2. For the e type, xk150, and the MKII, you can't weigh more than 250 lbs, or be taller than 6'3 or shorter than 4'11.

I took out an F type v8 from cccmanhattan last January. Yea. I believe it was 27 degrees (F) that day although the roads were dry, and since then, the club has instituted a new policy which basically says, if it has Pirelli P Zero's on it, you can't take it out under 40 degrees. Good policy. While it was a bunch of

When you look up "Jesus Nut," the results are a combo of Jesus Nuts and Jesus Nuts.

Mmmmm... not a bad idea, but not great. Much better than this is actually paying NOTHING. Most people make the mistake of trying to find parking where they're staying, and that's not smart. What you do, is you park your car in a neighborhood that is not swamped with cars constantly. Morningside Heights, the Upper West

That's right, folks: forty-eight bucks. In other words: I've purchased working microwaves that provided me with years of sustenance for the same amount of money that it costs to park an automobile in Washington, D.C., for one night.

Sooooo..... the winner is the guy that comes back with his boat still intact?

Alright, alright. The TWO most assho.... I mean jersey cars in existence are foxbody mustangs AND Iroc camaros.

The most Jersey car in existence is any foxbody mustang. That's clear.

Camrys are good cars to learn to drive in. (Braces for onslaught of hateful comments)

The reason it changed warfare was because it was so bad. That's my point. It was a key moment in our change of military strategy from "throw everything you have at them" to a technologically superior attack force with less numbers.

Well, the Germans got there first.

When seeing this list doesn't have the sherman tank or me 262:

Wouldn't driving with the top down in rain like that absolutely destroy all of the electronics?

Originally I was bummed that this was only for race cars of the last 20 years, but then I found a way to have my cake and eat it too:

I have one more: the ME-262. While not produced in enough numbers to make a significant impact, this was the first production fighter jet EVER; and, the main reason why it would be considered a joke now to pit a propeller powered plane against a jet powered one. It set the tone for the next 70 years and counting of

The Sherman Tank. I'm going to get a lot of guff for this since they were infamously known as "tin cans" or "Tommy cookers." (They were called Tommy cookers because brits used them as well, and basically it was very easy to cook to death in one, from a single round). They were so bad that I believe at the height of