While you and I know the glory of the ecoboost engine, the general public doesn't understand, and I feel this will be the death of the navigator.
Really surprised 911 people did not make the list. Pourquoi?
So the new mustang is $32,925. The ford fusion coupe is $25,995.
Also, I just read that some guy has been sentenced to death by be-heading for killing someone while doing this.
I'm sorry but how the hell can they be saying so damn much while this is going on? What are they talking about?
Porsche Cayman. Even getting to the engine is an art form.
Oh, hey, another rally car! CHECK OUT THOSE LIGHTS. All cars should have those lights. Sweet slide! Oh, wait, what? The tire just fell off. I wonder where that tire is headed. Who cares, really, that car now has no more front tire. That is the more important thing here, for me, right now. Definitely. Look at the…
That's a 6 cylinder. No doubt.
Alright one more, on the GM autogasm at CCC, opening the passenger side door on a brand new Camaro SS 1le way to quickly, and smacking the crap out a gas station pump protector, which is solid metal, in front of the GM Rep... and Zac. That one still haunts my dreams.
The first car I took out from CCCManhattan, their e39 M5. I got in, pulled into traffic, tried to pull away, people honking, shouting behind me,... revved the crap out of the engine while releasing the clutch and wondering why I wasn't going anywhere. "What am I doing wrong?" I forgot to put the car back into gear…
I really applaud american car maker's for making awesome sounding cars. Ford, GM, Chrysler even, has made it a point that their performance cars should sound good. This is something Porsche and especially BMW, has forgotten.
If you'd have read the rest of the comments, you would have found that I admitted that is was thirsty.
Stranded 3 times a year just to own a CTS-V? Gladly.
Lol you do have me there, I moved about 120 some odd lbs of stuff yesterday in it, and managed to burn a tank and a quarter of fuel in 180 miles.
Travis Okulski?