
I talk, often without thinking about the words I use. I just grab the one that seems most right as it presents itself to me in my head.

The show is unwatchable.

Gully Foyle, a true working-class SF hero, from Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester.

They’re capitalists, not crazy.

If it doesn’t have the *original* fleet combat system from Homeworld I, it’s not worth a red cent.

A variation on the rich Texan joke of the 50s who changed his Caddy instead of his oil.

People often take their image of government for their lifetime from the sense of the government that was current when they became politically conscious.

Why does he need a label at all?

“Bat in the cave” works for me.

I believe it to be a combination: good writing for a good actor.

In a lawyer show in the 60s with a diverse cast, Hollywood executives demanded a white male character who was more prominent.

They changed actors for that part?

So the pic with the article got me thinking: why do superheroes fly like that? Do we think they need to make themselves more aerodynamic to cut through the clouds? Couldn’t they fly just by willing themselves up, no special poses involved?

Aren’t sinkholes the universe’s sinkholes?

Not a character, and neither Marvel nor DC the last time I checked, but Sorkin should take on the Wild Cards series.

Hands too big.

You haven’t been reading this site much, I would guess.

I people watch.

Most vets will do this at home. I’ve had to have it done twice now, with dogs too big for me to handle. In each case, the vet came and we quietly did what we had to do.

You’re “inured” with the concept?