
It's like a Brazilian wikileaks

It'd be funny if they started getting a neverending stream of packages addressed to "Moron Fraternity Brothers".

Says a lot about the collective brain capacity of that whole frat when all they could come up with for a prank is "HEY LET'S SPELL NIGGERFAGGOT BACKWARD AND HAVE THE MAILMAN LOAD UP LIKE 70 BOXES THAT SOUNDS AWESOME"

There is a petition of supporters who are ready to stand in support of Tamale Lady once the next steps are clear:

Undercover Boss is on in the background over here (I hate that show) and I can hear the Boss saying these exact words, with the exact level of enthusiasm (none) he's using to give people money right now.

The real question is: Who hijacks a car from the passenger's side?!

Strongly do not recommend combining finances until married. Getting a joint Checking account is a recipe for disaster until you have either cohabited for at least a couple of years or are married.

I would be careful about crossing her, then—you don't want to make enemies with someone who can hold a grudge, and if there's anyone who knows about holding onto things, it's someone with a functioning MySpace page.

Toronto Informers

I enjoyed this.

That's fucking great.

Did someone say MS Paint?

If you sucker punch someone while wearing camo shorts below your ass and intentionally talk like a thug, you are a fucking loser. No prior knowledge of any events is necessary. If you engage in these types of activities (i.e. brawling in public), you are a loser.

"I know you think you're being transgressive and edgy and bad-in-the-cool-way when you are careless with the trauma of strangers, but you're not. You are being conservative. You are a conservative comedian."


They havent put the seats in yet

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh. You guys.