
Respect you and everything you are about.

I hear nothing but the screams of men dying.

"Son of a bitch must pay" is one of the greatest lines of all time.

Now playing


This one is equally bad.

Welcome to Candyland, you fools.

We wanted a Bourne/Transporter/Drive feel with a tween entry point. Selena Gomez can be a really gritty and tough character and I think that's going to surprise some people. And Ethan, well he's a consummate professional and a hell of an actor. Also, I can't wait for people to see how Jon Voight handles his role as

Perhaps, she is still disappointed with the success of her documentary film that took nine years to make.

I like the Toronto Snow

Yep, they sure do. Wish in one hand, shit in the other. See which one gets filled first. Unfortunately, its always the smelly option.

It's too bad ESPN gave Ray Lewis all that money. Kluwe would be a welcome breath of fresh air.

well done!

Footprints in the sand...

Happier times.

This is really nice.

I want to party with Joe and the Turd Man.

What he should have said was, "Don't touch me, or I'm gonna cave your fucking glasses in, you got that, NERD?" It would have made the threat complete.

That is great. Well played.