Dr. Lucien Sanchez

It's almost like you're a really devoted Sorkin-bot.

Ooh, I see a nipple.


That extreme closeup of the author is incredibly distracting.

Hahah, it really is such a strange review.

Yeah, great song. Makes me sad that we still haven't gotten that Despot album.

I agree entirely, and I imagine that it's not too unpopular an opinion anymore (minus those crazy eminem fans). I mean, if you look at the output between the two of them, it's not really a comparison. El-P is extremely consistent with the stuff he releases, whereas Eminem just is all over the place.

This is probably my favorite album of the year so far. Can't wait to see that [most likely non-existent] AV Club review.

Toast of London is fucking great. It's not as out there as Snuff Box of course, but it's still pretty surreal at times. Can't believe it actually got a second series.

Hey! I'm playing this right now (P3P). Still not as hooked as I was with Persona 4 Golden, but I'm enjoying it nonetheless.

I don't disagree at all that it's a legitimate worry about the creator dying before the end of a series. And it's fine to discuss that happening and whatever. It's more so the harassing and baggage that I find a bit weird and troubling.

Eh, I certainly don't think that any of your opinions are unpopular. Go to any online discussion vehicle and you'll see a bunch of shitty people basically stating what you wrote.

This is a fantastic article about a criminally overlooked show. And an extremely hungover Matt Berry is cool to see in that Metzger interview.


Same. And 'WHISKEY!' also, of course.

It's coming out for PS4 also though. So another cross-gen game.

Oh god, I really need to get 3D Dot Game Heroes also. Since I just picked up a PS3 on the cheap a month ago, I've been absolutely overwhelmed with the number of games I've missed out on.

The book was enjoyable. This movie will most likely not be.

Just beat the first Uncharted last night, so I'll probably start the second one this weekend. Was a bit disappointed in it after reading all the hype about the Uncharted series, but I'm guessing the sequel is a lot better. Some of those platforming sections were so annoying though (and I completely understand why

You had me at Alastair Reynolds.