Dr. Lucien Sanchez

Really can't wait to play this.

I just beat Persona 4 Golden last week. Was not expecting to like it as much as I did, considering it was my first persona game.

Just watched all of The Thick of It again and these shows really are the perfect antithesis to the nonsense (but entertaining nonsense) put forward by shows like House of Cards. It's refreshing to see a show about politics where the actors aren't all doing sinister deals in dark rooms, but instead scrambling around

Just watched all of The Thick of It again and these shows really are the perfect antithesis to the nonsense (but entertaining nonsense) put forward by shows like House of Cards. It's refreshing to see a show about politics where the actors aren't all doing sinister deals in dark rooms, but instead scrambling around

Actually been really looking forward to this game, despite having never played the previous two Infamous games. Good to see a positive review here.

Holy shit, that was really bizarre.

I really do miss the days of not having to register. As much as I (mostly lurking) love the comments here, they've grown somewhat clique-ish, not that that's a bad thing entirely.

It's a shame that there's no Wild Beasts review, as it's just an amazing album. Can't stop listening to Mecca and Daughters.

Those reviews are what made me start coming to the AV Club so often in the first place. Witnessing Heisler gradually lose his mind every week was just incredible. Hopefully the reboot will be sufficiently shitty enough.

Yeah, I'm honestly amazed (and impressed) at some of the thoughtful replies that she/he has been getting, when it's obvious that she/he came here mainly to belittle all games as 'toys.'

I just can't tell if there is supposed to be some hidden snark in this comment.

The handholding in Skyward Sword was just way too extreme at times.

Without so much as a warning.

Yea, a lot of the complaints from the AV Club review are actually things that make this album really interesting for me. Particularly the disjointed feeling, even in individual songs (like 'Warriors').

Eh, I think Run the Jewels (my personal favorite hip-hop album this year) is pretty much better in every possible aspect than the new Eminem.

Why would you have to duck? Did it become uncool to like James Blake here at some point?

Wait, is there a reason that we haven't seen a review for the Danny Brown album yet?

'I would have liked to have seen… Hannah Montana.'

I'm so extremely excited that this got an F.

Are they Venture Bros. fans?