Dr. Lucien Sanchez

Can't really expand on anything here, because it's so spot on.

That's useful information. Just make sure to tell everybody that whenever you get a chance (even when it's not even relevant).

It is of the utmost importance that we figure out what the story is with piss-drinking in this heroic movie!

Hey now, you don't know me and my non-AV Club life. One day I'll really be something. First step - have a breakdown on Twitter and sell some sneakers.

And? I can cite Bertrand Russell as one of my chief inspirations, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to compare myself to him, or find it particularly worthy of discussion.

I really don't think that we should start comparing Kanye's career and output with Bowie's. Although I'm sure people out there are doing so, which makes me somewhat sad.

Apart from a couple of great songs, I'm really not sure at how this album merits an A. Maybe I'm just not 'with it' anymore, since I thought Yeezus was also completely unremarkable.

Yep, Clinton was incredibly terrible. Used the rhetoric of the New Democrat to pretty much complete the undoing of the New Deal. It's really a wonder that republicans hated Clinton with such a passion.

I wonder if the book has some more insight about Franzen and cats.

I can't believe that this game is actually happening. Unbelievably excited.

Isn't his whole thing about older employees working at McDonald's just basically insulting what's probably a sizable portion of the ICP fanbase in a roundabout way?

Like, fuck man. How are you so consistently the worst and most aggravating poster on the AV Club? Has little to do with this particular shitty comment, but it's almost impressive in how reliably awful a poster you are.

The soundtrack to HM2 is even more impressive than the first, I think. Really top-notch stuff there.

My god, you have awful opinions.

But that's my point though - they're not trying to start a streaming service. If anything, shows like this are supposed to add value to the existing Plus service, which is and has always been inherently a gaming platform.

To be fair though, PS Plus is a pretty great service. It's just entirely geared towards video games though, not streaming video.

9.58 million viewers for a show that is absurdly (and offensively) bad. That is truly some bizarre shit.

"So we still have no idea when/if another real season of The Venture Bros. will be coming"

Not to mention he produced one of the best hip-hop albums ever, that album being The Cold Vein.

This is such a weird album. There is some really good stuff (Ruckus in B Minor, Felt, Pioneer the Frontier, Necklace), and then some truly bad stuff (40th Street, Keep Watch, Preacher's Daughter).