
So renting this game would be pretty pointless.

Scalia's opinion in Pope Vs. Illinois:

I flew from Atlanta to France this winter. Being 6'3", and unable to afford 1st class, the emergency exit is my only chance of being comfortable. We were not able to get these seats for the Paris flight, and as we boarded, 2 people, both under 5'5", were sitting in that row with their toddler child. I doubt they

He is right, computers are worthless. Books are the key to the information age!

I hope you are just trolling. Recording something for evidence later usually doesn't involve laughing while someone is being beaten.

Wow, they are moving in the wrong direction. I will pay for movies that I think are good, and torrent the shit that my girlfriend wants to see. Wait, I now have the option of paying $30 dollars for all the shit that is failing at the box office?! Sign me up!

The lady friend got me a nook for Valentines day, and I absolutely love it! I can't wait for the honeycomb source code to be out there so I can finally get a HC root. The only problem I have found with the nook is that it can be finicky. I rooted mine with no problem, used the exact same process to root my buddies,

@matt buchanan: Buchanan, you rule! No blasting, no banning, just a statement followed by some evidence. AND, I really do enjoy your articles.

@dsuzuki63: What the fuck does WTF mean?!

Senor Spratt, I cannot tell you how much I love your work.

Some of it is my fault, living in Fuckshit, Arizona. It is an old Apache word.

@Zordon: My bones are so brittle! But I have been drinking plenty of malk?!

Without citizens being able to record the police, the officers that beat Rodney King would have been acquitted.

My two favorites, one agreeing and one disagreeing...

@PinballFan: I hate it when people just put "+1", so I will say that made me laugh.

I am not an Apple fan by any means, but I do not wish harm on anyone (unlike some below). I hope he gets well soon.

When I saw the title, my first thought was "some stupid 16 year old kid", but 34?! I know there is no age limit on stupid, but at 34 you would think she would know better.