
I have had various Blackberries for over 10 years. The Storm 1 is what makes me want to switch to an Android. It is the first phone I have had that I truly hate.

Seeing houses like this just makes me sad. I will never be able to afford it, and I probably will never be able to afford even just seeing it.

@nemoo: I believe it is considered "strong arm robbery", and it is a felony.

@TomXP411: Because the movie is...weird. Not to say it isn't great, but from the monkeys throwing the first tool/weapon to the space baby, it is a difficult movie.

Great, now they can cut out the 19 minute scene of Dave breathing and keep it the same length!

Not digging this new format. Incredibly distracting and hard to read. Yesterday's was much better, and the normal one is the best.

So the idea is to delay renting new releases in order to persuade people to buy them. This makes torrenting look that much more attractive. Which costs studios money. Which they counter by raising prices and delaying the ability to rent the movie, which makes people want to torrent, etc.....

If Fallout 3 has taught me anything, there is a cantina on the top deck.

I am going to be in Sweden in 2 weeks. I wanted to stay here, until someone told me the price tag. One night is almost the same price as the round trip flight from Phoenix.

The perfect product for the wealthy agoraphobic!

@InfiniteJustice: I was thinking of the dongle. I didn't know torrenting from your phone was possible.

@Benman: Double jeopard means he cannot be retried for a crime if found innocent. In this case, there was no verdict, the case was just thrown out.

@bucklefilledbird: Beautiful analogy and maybe something that these jackholes can wrap their heads around.

I don't know why everyone is giving Chen shit. He says he pays for wi-fi and would continue to do so. They took this option away, thereby hindering his ability to do work.

Torrenting is supposed to save you money. If I wanted to spend $10 per download, I would just go to the movie theater.

@AwokeKnowing: Do you have any examples? Are you talking about dragons or something else?

This is funny, but also frightening. Ignorance like this is the enemy of science and progress. It is the enemy of the future. If you teach your children that dinosaurs were on the arc, you should be ashamed.

@chiilly: Oh, so those were the people on the Arc. Was Noah the black guy?

@Protonpax: Wait a sec, so someone in Noah's family fucked and gave birth to a Neanderthal? Poor woman.