Anyone care for a Pajero J-Top?
Anyone care for a Pajero J-Top?
I dunno if you guys will count this as a “driving” song, but the “Result” theme from Wangan Midnight is awesome to hear after you’re done with your drive (or lap session).
> That being said, why did they say no? What a bunch of sticks in the mud.
Isn’t that why Merc got caught so off guard? They skipped a lot of testing and trusted in their simulations, which failed to catch the porpoising...
A brief history of the Worker’s Compensation Law. Make of it what you will, but it does seem like it was the Unions that made this bargain with corporate employers. The 1900s were a very different time though, and the law comes off to me as…
Had door edge protectors for a while. Utterly useless if you actually care enough to not open your car doors into a wall or another car. Doubly useless since they can’t stop idiots from dinging your car with their own doors.
The two couldn’t be more far apart. Virtue signalling specifically refers to calling attention to oneself for ‘doing good things’, whether or not said good things have actually been done or not.
Not surprised. Copyrighted music is one of the ways even legit streamers get their stuff muted or archives taken down.
That theoretical Mazda 3 already exists though: The 2.5 Turbo has 250hp and AWD.
This particular one doesn’t look like it would have triggered the nannies though. Seems like he was going dead straight until he rear-ended someone. No amount of stability control is gonna prevent that.
The problem is that people see having a Ferrari as a life goal and jump straight into one despite never having driven a performance car in their entire driving career.
Ferrari sells every vehicle they make because they know how to accurately gauge demand and make just a couple of units less. This strategy of artificial scarcity also helps preserve their values on the second hand market.
If as you say it has the low price and efficiency of a car, why hate on it just for being a pickup? I see no downsides here.
I’d love to see the full stats on that, but Ferrari didn’t issue that information in total, just the cliffs notes.
The rules sound absolutely absurd. They’ve basically killed off low rpm/boost torque fill, which was one of the biggest benefits to going hybrid.
McLaren’s official statement says he should be released in time for the race.
Awesome that this car seems to have found the perfect pair of owners.