
As good a place as any to mention that the new Kinja mechanism that throws pop-up ads out in the middle of videos is super helpful.

I thought Gorillza didn’t do live shows anymore because it was too much of a strain on the animators?

“I’m not a bigot but this sucks for reasons that I won’t discuss” is a smoke bomb for bigots

Keep flailing, it’s cute.

Also, European or other real history simply doesn’t apply. Middle Earth is a created world. Life didn’t evolve over millions of years. Elves and humans “awoke” fully formed in the First Age. Even after thousands of years that’s not enough time for our world’s ethnic differentiation.

It’s telling that in world with actual fucking dragons it is a bridge to far for POC to be there.  

1) No one said that.

That would be nice, but I’d really love to discuss the show in a fandom context without regularly dealing with racist misogynists. It’s hard to even discuss the show critically without having horrible people “agree” with you for the worst reasons.

They don’t actually like the things they say they do. What they really like is being a scummy piece of shit. And that’s all they are. They’re not worth listening to. In fact, knowing my enjoyment of the show and its characters upsets them makes it even better. I don’t waste a single thought on trash-ass incels and

I can get the argument that there weren’t any black Elves but the fact is there never were Elves to begin with, nor Hobbits, nor Orcs, nor Wizards...it’s just a fantasy. Get over it.

This has to be the first time someone used the term “mainstream media” and then appealed to its authority.

It’s literally pointed out that they’re talking about the racist backlash. Not any and all backlash and negativity. But I’m sure you knew that.

Ismael Cruz Córdova is somehow managing to convince me for a few minutes each week that he is a warrior elf, something no other actor has managed to do. I can’t quite explain it; there’s just something about his bearing and demeanor that makes me think yep, that’s what a warrior elf would do. So whatever process led

It seems unlikely that the massive review bombing campaign that occurred before any episodes aired are the result of legitimate criticisms of the show.

People sure have a way of reading something that says “racists are bad” and thinking it said “all people in X group are bad racists.”

Racist gatekeeping nerds are the most fragile fucking losers on Earth.

Not that racist, sexist jerkwads are ever easy to understand, but the backlash to this show… it really is the epitome of “Let us know you’re a sexless idiot without telling us you’re a sexless idiot”. The backlash makes zero sense to me. You really think the dude who dropped hallucinogens and created different

it actually is weird for me, at least on a thematic reason, lord of the rings, and its offspring dungeons and dragons BEATS YOU ON THE SKULL with the idea of different races working together to become stronger together than they are individually. heck, the friendship of gimli and legolas was a major theme in the books

And I really liked that Adar claims that Sauron had, in his own mind, benevolent intentions for Middle-earth.

thank you - came here to say just this. as the doomed mother said in the very first episode - our battleground is the birthing bed, and Laena wanted to die by fire, not in that bed.  Simple