
A map would be helpful, which is why they are typically included in the books. Does anyone know a good map for this era?

I agree, it’s clumsy and messy and hard to follow. I understood right away that it was supposed to be the model of Old Valyria but the angles they choose make it hard to actually get a sense of the layout, unlike the map in GoT which was very clear and easy to follow. I also had no idea what any of the gears were

That is apparently a reference to the kooks and weirdos he had to deal with as a radio psychologist (their brains were scrambled like eggs and tossed liked salads)

I’m not sure that Jenna’s actually been watching the show at all and isn’t just recapping someone else’s recap and it’s getting garbled like a game of telephone.  

I miss the days of Newbie and Expert reviews for GoT on the AV Club, because they would actually, ya know, review and analyze the show and were written by people who had a clear interest in the material they were tasked with reviewing. If this is all we’re getting then what reason do I have to come here after I

Her double (who fucking nailed it) is really funny on This Fool

Congratulations on winning the movie trivia game on your paahdcast, it’s pretty….. extraordinary”

It’s not getting as much attention right now as some of the other deleted shows because it was cancelled earlier this year (immediately after the merger) but it did get pulled from the platform alongside the rest of these shows but Close Enough was excellent and it was for adults rather than kids/teens

Outside of an early (and brief) pool scene Stenberg is the only character whose costume shows any cleavage, so while the reviewer didn’t call her out by name, hers is the only cleavage she could possibly be talking about.

No, it doesn’t read like a joke, it reads like a valid criticism of a reviewer’s dumb take.

Speaking as someone who has seen the movie and is also a huge fan of cleavage, I did not find the cleavage to be distracting or even a thing worth thinking about. This movie takes place mostly in the dark lit by cellphone cameras. There’s no actual nudity. Stenberg’s character shows cleavage but not excessively so,

Other than Top Gun and Nope it’s been a bit of a bummer summer at the theater. I loved Prey and I really wish I could have watched it on the big screen instead of at home.

Misread your comment, deleted mine, carry on!

Just write the damn book, George. No one asked for this show or the book it’s based on. The short stories that the book was based on were fine when they were just small supplemental material for the main series. But like, a show based on a book based on short stories set centuries before the mainline books? I don’t

It is a different movie, actually. It’s called Plan B and it’s pretty good.

I know cauterizing the wound is canon and has been for a long time now, but there is definitely blood on the ground when Ben removes Ponda Baba’s arm

Sure it never works to make a good movie but it works great to make beaucoup bucks. I work at a movie theater and every old fogey that walks out of one of these legacy sequels always says the same damn thing “well the movie wasn’t very good but I loved seeing the original cast!”

Gibbon is really fun. It took me a minute to click into the rhythm but once you do it’s very fluid and satisfying 

Netflix’s animation offerings were one of the few things keeping me on the platform, but it looks like I may be moseying on soon, so what competing streaming services offer quality animated programming? Obviously D+ has their whole catalog, but I think HBO Max probably has the best stuff on offer right now, especially

Would have preferred Metal Sonic as that leaves the door open for Jim Carrey to return and continue to carry this franchise, but also still works even if Carrey really is done.