Dr. Boots' List

They weren’t told how long to steam the puddings for.

Paul and Prue are old and either shocked or bitter that none of the generations coming after them know how to steam a pudding

That’s a fantastic pull.

Gods and archetypes. I wish more reviewers understood that, and that superhero stories are modern myths.

Let’s not forget this, either. A nice inversion of Loki’s first appearance in the comics.

Stuck the landing. Not a perfect show or season (episodes 2 and 3 were a bit talky and spinning their wheels) but better than most and I enjoyed most of it.

I was hoping maybe the technical was about impossible odds? I loved the laughter and camaraderie which arose from everyone failing to make the grade. There is something original in this challenge when no one is anxious or weeping but rather almost celebratory in the end. 

Best thing Marvel’s done since Endgame, hands down.

Especially for Loki’s wife. She holds a bowl over his head to catch the venom, but when the bowl gets full, she has to go empty it, and during that time, the venom lands on Loki’s face.

Like they say on The Flintstones, it’s a living! 

sometimes i feel like i’ve turned into a certified hater of mcu, but then something like this comes out and reminds me that i actually like this stuff quite a bit.

I suppose that this is a slightly better fate than being chained to a rock with a serpent dripping venom onto your face forever?

Welcome to the Punxsutawney Pub, Loki.

You’re in good company here.

Hiddleston’s “Don’t set the multiplier down because it WILL roll off...” had all the barely-concealed exhaustion of a parent who REALLY wants to yell at his kid, but he’s in public in front of other parents and can only half smile as he whisper-screams at the kid who keeps making the same mistake. Perfection.

Soo happy with this - I kind of forgot that This Loki was originally going to die in the MCU, so the sacrifice makes sense - and it did it so beautifully

The mechanics and logic of all the time stuff breaks my brain the more I think about it so I just choose to enjoy the ride and not dive deep on it. And what a ride it was. Great finale. The arc of Loki from when he first showed up in the MCU up until now is arguably the best character arc in the entire universe so

Now that was a damn good finale.

I don’t think the judges were laughing at the contestants. This is Bake Off, so they were laughing with them. I suspect it would have been stressful for each contestant seeing their puddings collapse as soon as they came out, but the feeling would not have lasted long, as they realised everybody’s was doing the same,

Paul stated clearly several times (to Prue) that they had enough time - just - to make the damn things if they did everything right. Tash’s were done-ish because she removed the water bath that cooks more gently and slowly and it messed with the texture. Since a steamed pudding is a traditional English bake I expected

I’d have to rewatch it, but I don’t remember seeing the contestants being informed the puddings had to steam for 40 minutes, which is why they were taking them out around the 20 minute mark. Or am I misremembering?