Dr. Boots' List

“I’m worried about the kids going to the bus stop. They’re gonna be walking down this road with these big trucks you saw going by, and people flying in and out to go to the car wash,”

With all those slippery slopes, I would expect more broken hips...

I’m surprised they allowed a bus stop within walking distance. They are known to drag down housing values in gated communities, and buses are noisy!

Honestly I think it’s a terrible idea to put in a high-speed car wash where you have to drive through at 60mph, it just seems a little dangerous

“I’m worried about the kids going to the bus stop. They’re gonna be walking down this road with these big trucks you saw going by, and people flying in and out to go to the car wash,” Barb Vickers, a resident in the Jonathan’s Bay gated community, told WINK News.

What if somebody took their drag racer there to get washed before going to a car show ? Tommy’s would be aiding and abetting a drag show

Artists aren’t “content creators” and a musician most certainly has every right to call out asswipes at their shows that are distracting them or their audience. You’ll note the rest of the audience cheered on Lambert’s response chiding the idiot “influencer who was trying to create “content” not actually listen to

Nah, she’s right. She’s the product. Show knows they came to see her perform and they paid money to see her perform. They didn’t pay to use her to get clicks for themselves. I think she’s absolutely right. She’s not a “content creator.” “Content” is some nebulous word for “any fucking thing anyone wants to put on the

Her own fans were the ones asserting their entitlement to filming her concerts: they paid for the privilege to be there, so they should be able to do what they want. There’s truth to that

“I had gone up to Pacino after a series of takes and given him a note on what I wanted,” Nolan tells the outlet. “He told me, ‘I’ve already done that. You can’t see it to the eye, but I’ve done it on the dailies.’ I looked for it and I was like, ‘Oh, my God,’ because there it was.”

There’s a joke in here somewhere about the inate forgetability of Hawkeye.

Welcome back.

Moon Knight! but you nailed the issue on the head. The problem with so much Marvel TV is that its so fucking forgettable. I enjoyed What If? but completely forgot about it until it was brought up in this article. Moon Knight, Falcon and Winter Soldier, and She-Hulk all just wiped.

Any sequence with Hayley Atwell will be worth watching.  

Which was especially annoying since anytime anyone mentioned Peggy Carter either in the movies or on Agents of Shield she was held in super high regard. But she never noticed that she had a bunch of evil Hydra people working for her. At least Nick Fury eventually noticed something was up.

Well, apparently Nick Fury had a whole bunch of Skrulls working for him who also missed the Hydra takeover and then Tony did download all of SHIELD’s files and had them analysed but *also* missed it.

So I watched the part of the nearly one-hour interview where she talks about her cameo. It’s all her joking around with the interviewer about her cameo and all of the quotes from her in this article feel like tongue-in-cheek commentary. There are literally no conclusions to be drawn here.

Yeah what a shock that you like breasts at the Daily Mail

And that the idea that Steve somehow went back in time, married her, had kids with her, and never told her about Hydra being secretly in control of SHIELD.

well yeah, obviously, but it's technically still the same person, just with different personalities