Dr. Boots' List

That’s interesting that book focused on that. I imagine it was cut from this show for more pragmatic reasons, i.e. having limited space to explain foreign cultural concepts in a limited series. But you’re right that the Japanese probably wouldn’t love it. And the series already touches very lightly on the invasion of

Nah, I don’t have the stomach for a pun thread.

Saeki was pretty great. Having a character show up and, in his first episode, tell a story about someone pooping on a horse is a great way to endear a character to me.

OMG that twitter post is amazing. I figure Gibson would have gotten a kick out of being called a Twitter-complaining casual.

Yeah, I agree, Gibson himself seemed nonplussed by how the aesthetics of “cyberpunk” won out over any kind of examination of the impositions of technology on the human. Although Blade Runner managed both, and the Matrix sort of... well, nevermind.

Hah, that’s pretty wild. How did they not adapt it in Pog form too?

Maybe the fact that everything that’s cool about Neuromancer has been chewed up and spit out by other works in the decades since it was published. How do you make Neuromancer cool when literally everyone has ripped off all the good parts of it?

A Pern series would address the main problem with GOT and HOTD, namely that while they do both include lots of sex and dragons, they don’t have nearly enough sex involving dragons.

I wonder if the cancellation of The Peripheral helps or hurts other Stephenson adaptations. It wasn’t a giant hit, but it did get made.

Literally anything by Harrison would be insane

I feel like the weird tonal shifts of Hyperion make it the closest to unfilmable of anything mentioned here

Not really sure what would make it unfilmable though

I mean you can’t expect much from a sci-fi channel miniseries, at least from the pre-Battlestar remake era.

Man, I would kill for a Baroque Cycle series. That could be so much fun. You could even rewrite it some, make the plot a past/present day thing that tied in aspects of Cryptonomicon.

Your tiny flicker of optimism has been noted, and appropriate punishment will be forthcoming.

Slime in a Bill Murray’s mouth?

I mean it’s not a model of coherence like Adolescence of Utena, but I guess it’s still pretty good

{crucifixion symbolism}

Yeah, I agree with this. The reboot movies really didn’t allow enough time or seem to take their own plot elements seriously in the same way. The original series giving you space to puzzle out things like the origin and nature of the Evas was what made the series so enticing in the first place.

The plot change in Part 2 that I was most confused by was the decision to make Jessica still pregnant all the way through the end, and have Alia appear only in a flash-forward/vision. It’s pretty weird how that makes the entire events of the story take place in under nine months. That’s a somewhat short time to accept