
this thread started with me wondering how SignalLost found it inconceivable that someone could somehow have a knife in a bathroom. it was later determined that they were being sarcastic. but here we are. so no, i’m not one of those assholes. i’m an asshole that believes people are innocent until proven guilty and i am

i have no idea where you got the idea i was arguing that she feasibly dove for the knife. i did say that a pocket knife is not relegated to a pocket at all times. the liberties were taken in getting from that, to me arguing that she dove for the knife. if i can help you with anything else, let me know.

Anyhooos, so you’re arguing that she may have feasibly dove for the knife.

pocket knives, contrary to popular belief, are not relegated to the pocket for their entire knife existence.

no. but if i get in the bathroom and see a woman using the restroom i usually break it out then. especially when i’m at target.

it doesn’t say it was a pocket knife. this was an instance of someone wondering how a knife could get into a bathroom and myself explaining that i and many others have brought knives into bathrooms by way of our pockets.

i’ll check and get back to you.

that’s your prerogative.

“when he dropped his pants the woman in the bathroom grabbed for a knife...” implies that he did not drop his pants until he entered the bathroom.

seriously? i know a ton of people, myself included, who often have a pocket knife on their person.

it’s a reference to this

him holding the microphone like he’s about to go all 8 mile makes me angry.

i also played, and loved football. i would not hesitate to let my son play if he wants to. when provided with the proper coaching and fundamentals i feel like the risk of injury is greatly reduced.

sounds like an efficient use of prosecutorial resources.

apparently the guy just got arrested on drug charges :/

seriously when i saw that i thought the girls might be poisoning each other to put them out of their misery

like my 3.5 year old. she eats her steaks medium rare and her eggs over easy, great kid.

cheetos with chop sticks

same. also, if the pizza was too hot to touch, using a knife and fork would not have prevented the inevitable roof-of-mouth burn.

Suck it up, Lebron.