
In all seriousness, we were taught that even the fitness fanatics among us can only sustain effective CPR for 2 minutes at which point you have to swap out.

I’d say the vast majority of people who have seen Friends would disagree with that stance. Sorry bud.


Being a big Quantum Leap fan, seeing Dean Stockwell pop up in various movies and shows over the years was always one of those pleasant “Hey, that guy!" moments. RIP indeed.

Wow. I have seen him in 3 of his roles - Quantum Leap, Enterprise, and Battlestar Galactica.

Conan said he thinks that’s the best thing anyone has ever done on his show. It’s brilliant- one direct hit after another.

Someone had to say it.

Way too easy, but you were first, so you get the star. 

What a great interview

To anyone who doesn’t watch checking into this review idly, this is just such an absolutely fantastic, beautiful, hilarious perfect sitcom/adventure series, and I highly recommend it’s the next show you watch.

the familial sentiment is uttered so many times that even The Fast and The Furious franchise would tell them to take it down a notch.

The show took a while to find its footing, but I really found myself enjoying this last season. As others have said, the scheduling was awful. Especially with a season-long arc like this, it’s so easy to lose or forget details when there are no new episodes for months. New characters were getting thrown in right until

So I guess Bradford’s (not a) villain origin is that he’s the Anti-Huey/Dewey where he was traumatized by the adventures his thrill seeking relative took him on instead of being excited and wanting more. His reasoning might have hit home better if he pointed out he was just a kid and had no idea if he was going to

Bradford trying to manipulate Huey later on in the tv movie would’ve worked much better if it was done as a serialized thread earlier in the season; this season was the promised Huey season, but would you get that impression in hindsight? Compared to Dewey, Louie and Webby the writers never really seem to know what to

Husband and Wives released a couple weeks after Dylan made her accusation and Manhattan Murder Mystery was set to start shooting after that, Farrow was eventually replaced last minute with Diane Keaton.

Thank you, Sean. As someone who has survived a suicide attempt ten years ago, I have been struggling since Tuesday to mitigate the depression that has followed what I honestly believe to be the single worst event to occur in my lifetime. I have resolved to be more open about my struggles and not shy away from asking

They were called the Ten to One sketches. Weird ideas they used as the very last skit of the night.

I was 14. The placement of this sketch in the show was important: it was buried in that weird twilight zone of the last 30 minutes of SNL which has never been anything but uneven. At best.
