
I like where Conan is demanding to be paid for them stealing his bits and the lady is like, “Nope, not happening.”

Brian Stack was liking tweets about it on Twitter the other day. I told him that I still quote that sketch with my best friend constantly. One of the hardest times I’ve ever laughed at the show!

Probably the one sketch of Conan’s that my mother liked. She never liked him much (or his hair), but spoke the language fluently and would get a kick out of them.

I think in most things pop culture, it’s usually the “earlier” stuff that resonates more, and then somehow the later stuff almost always goes downhill afterwards in most long-term fans’ eyes. Not always, but that probably is the usual trend there.

Buffalo! Who also called Andy the “little fat dude.” Then Conan mentioning after he leaves“I was just almost murdered!”

Some of those scenes he would pull out for them were just so surreal, even if we didn’t know the exact context of how they were used on the show!

“Baby! I wish you were my... BABY!”

“Arnold, it bombed at the box office!”

Chairman of the B-O-R-E-D.

When I was in seventh grade, I took advantage of setting the VCR ahead of time to record this every night. For a few years there, I would watch Conan every day before or after school. It was glorious.

Because Conan would always tell you right at the beginning “They’re real!” Why wouldn’t we believe him?!

I suppose most sitcoms don’t have that one person who keeps track of the details of every character’s life anyway. I think How I Met Your Mother might have had one though, which would be the exception.

Oddly enough, the only reason I switched from Firefox to Chrome a number of years ago was because Firefox had become way too buggy for me. Chrome seemed to go a lot faster than it did at the time and I’ve stuck with it since then, aside from a few accounts I keep on Firefox to check on every so often.

There’s Google Stores?!

And hissing. They hiss at the robbers too!

Now picture one of these heists taking place on or around Halloween, where a guy or gal dressed up as Batman or Wonder Woman might actually be in the store looking at an iPhone XI or Macbook around that time...

Well, they did give a bit of background on her anyway. If they gave any more, it might’ve become a bit tedious to watch... especially for a season finale. It’s only the first season anyway, so if Magica does come back into play, they might expand more on her and Scrooge’s relationship as the show goes forward.

Well, he is somewhat evil anyway, so there might not be too much of a difference between those two!

Like someone on here mentioned, I wonder if the long-winded speeches and phrasing on DuckTales might be something that makes him a bit harder to understand? What might be nice is if they had Anselmo still voice Donald for his usual outings on the show, but whenever Donald has to get extremely involved or give the