
I have no objection to this one.

That’s the funny thing... I don’t really watch that many anyway! Aside from the late night talk shows nowadays, I suppose.

Hey, did you guys see the fight outside?

What about all the occasions where the guest tells the exact same story while doing the rounds on talk shows? Can we do something about that?

The Super Fans on SNL nearly had it right with the 8-peat prediction. That said, who knows if Jordan and the gang could have maintained that skill and motivation for the whole eight years. Would have been interesting seeing them face the Rockets either way!

God, ESPN’s social media team would just about have a coronary if that ever happened...

*sniff* *blows into handkerchief*

Dewey Dew Night was hilarious.


Thanks. I tried doing that and it didn’t work or show up. Not sure why!

This is genuinely touching to watch. Two countries you’d never typically put together sharing a moment is probably what the world needs right now anyway.

If he had gone, the only thing he would likely have achieved is being killed in a barrage of laser fire, giving the resistance less time to escape.

I don’t know if playing whole albums in sequence takes the fun out of not wanting to know everything that’s going to happen. Chances are if you’re touring around playing a whole album, you’re big enough to get away with doing that in the first place. Which means a lot of people probably already look up your setlists

I can’t help but think of the Corey Feldman thing where he just happened to need a ton of money in order to release a few names of predators.

You mean 3rd Rock From the Sun? Or Newsradio?

Yeah, they forced them into a “start throwing historical figures into your time travel thing so we can promote it better” scenario for the second season, a la Quantum Leap in its final year or so. But overall, I thought the season still worked out better than it could have otherwise.

Easy to picture Jackie saying that last line.

Not directed towards anyone here, but I always found this funny.

Didn’t Colbert also regret how he handled his own Trump interview in 2016? No hair tossing, of course, but he said he wasn’t exactly confronting him on certain things either.