Yeah, the wig was a little more obvious, but I wondered if that was intentional somewhat? Philip didn’t exactly have the best disguise going out in the video store either... maybe they’re both getting sloppy as the game gets longer?
Yeah, the wig was a little more obvious, but I wondered if that was intentional somewhat? Philip didn’t exactly have the best disguise going out in the video store either... maybe they’re both getting sloppy as the game gets longer?
That was a great stare too. Keri Russell has been on top of her game this year, that’s for sure.
Agreed. The “kid” certainly had his acting chops down in that scene and elsewhere, for that matter. I just kept watching and thinking, “Oh god, he knows and now he’s going to be splattered in the alley or the inside of the car!”
*Elizabeth smiles and lifts 1980s station wagon filled with morbid face paintings over her head*
I picture that like the end of Legends of the Fall on my end! Cliff and Mail Robot in a battle to the death and then the scene pauses...
Same. When she began the schpiel about Gorbachev being terrible, I thought, “Well, it was a good run Martindale!” Looks like we’ll have her towards the very end though.
When Jackson pulled out the recorder, I just thought “Oh, god! It’s over for him.” Needless to say, I was a bit surprised.
Part of me wondered if the paint brush was meant to make it be a bit more lenient on the husband, just so no one would suspect it was a mercy killing and want that autopsy (which would show the morphine situation and all that).
Good to know I wasn’t the only one getting shades of Gran Turino in the suit-fitting scene there!
Time Of Your Life
Yeah, that sounds about right. I vaguely remember someone from the show saying how they picked up the audience applause for Kramer for somewhere around the third or fourth seasons, then tapering them down again because they thought it was too much. Or at least something along those lines anyway.
Exactly! And now that I know what they’re talking about, of course I had to up that knowledge to the whatever degree. ;)
I thought the applauses for Kramer’s entrances were gone by the final two or so seasons though?
I guess “Helloooooooo Newman!” (or just plain ol’ “Newman!”) doesn’t count. Though I suppose they didn’t exactly ram those into the ground either.
Great question.
Also, I think there is a built-in assumption that, since a record is finished and released, it is exactly what the group hoped to make. They love it, they think it’s a masterpiece, etc. But more often (and I speak to lots of folks in bands), musicians feel as though what they made is a pile of crap.
Right! If he admitted he was a spy, then that would just go down the rabbit hole of finding out about all the people he killed, how it affected his FBI friends, etc.
I’m trying to figure out who Philip resembled with the blonde wig? I was initially thinking sort of along the lines of Jeremy Renner, but I can’t really pinpoint it exactly...
Mischa: Hold my beer.
That attention to detail helps this show a lot, I think. I even got a slight kick out of seeing the old Illinois license plates in a few scenes there!