
Never accepted an offer for eternal life and prosperity only to be presented with a smoking contract and pen in order to pledge my soul as payment.

This one needs more upvotes.

These all sound fantastic. Definitely doing the first one at some point now... with someone filming with their iPhone or Galaxy they just happen to have in hand, of course.

I have. Once it was to make it look like I was busy when someone walked into the room.

And she would have gotten away with it too... if it wasn’t for you meddling kids!

I found out a number of years ago that I had a second cousin who murdered his boss, severed his head from the torso and took pictures of the mutilated body, then high-tailed it up to Canada before getting arrested and being brought back for trial. Apparently he made the news a bit over in Canada and the state where

There was one small school near where I lived where they just picked the winners out of a hat each year. Seemed to save on the drama it did bring from time to time.

I had a friend that was “engaged” for five years, in her early 40's, and claimed they hadn’t done anything in those 4 years after they became engaged before breaking it off. I believe her.

That or swallowing a piece of popcorn at the bar the wrong way and having the hiccups as a result (and painful ones and that).

Stand By Me 2... coming this April!

That line struck me a bit too. Then she turns around and says he can still talk to Paige... mixed priorities at this point.

That and I had the light in my living room window hitting the TV screen in a certain way as well. Just saw lots of people moving and Elizabeth trying to rip something open while shooting a few guys!

“That will never do the trick!”

More than ever, the badge makes me think now that Paige is going down somehow. Death, jail, mental breakdown... all three? I don’t know.

Man, I cannot wait for this finale!

I don’t think she is “salvageable” at this point. And I think it’s going to end ugly, if this episode is anything to go off of.

Now playing

Didn’t Gorbachev do a Pizza Hut commercial in his later years? Yes, he did!

Game 6, 1991. Game 6, 1991. Game 6, 1991. Game 6, 1991. Game 6, 1991. Game 6, 1991. Game 6, 1991. Game 6, 1991.Game 6, 1991. Game 6, 1991. Game 6, 1991. Game 6, 1991. Game 6, 1991. Game 6, 1991. Game 6, 1991. Game 6, 1991. Game 6, 1991. Game 6, Game 6, 1991. Game 6, 1991. Game 6, 1991. Game 6, 1991. Game 6, 1991. Game

I thought that was Cohen! And yes, the song seemed to set the scene pretty well there...