
Oh, no question. Her tone and facial expression sort of screamed “Oh lord, I have to do this for the billionth time...” Especially when she got those last squeezes out of him once he was out!

Right. Saying “Two guys fly a plane in the middle of something and blow that up?” is a bit of a stretch in comparison.

Clerks came out the year before as well...

Gronk v. Mr. Brightside?

I didn’t have the WB as a kid, so whenever I heard people talking about Dawson’s Creek, I thought Joey was a guy and Pacey was a girl.

Well yeah, he obviously got over it pretty quick. Enough that they were able to record new songs and tour together for a bit.

Interesting how he was the one that showed the most hesitation in allowing McVie back into the band... and now he’s the one that’s gone a few years later.

“I get so sick of the way debates about these things can degenerate into two camps screaming at each other.”

McLovin was funny the first five times I heard it, which all unfortunately happened before I even saw the movie.

Yeah, Too Much Information and Ordinary World are a heck of a one-two punch. But Love Voodoo doesn’t quite rise up to that category. Not terrible by any means, but definitely more of a “meh” there.

Breathe and Unknown Caller are probably the only other tracks I can listen to. I like Breathe enough and Unknown Caller, like you said, has some decent music to it while the chorus lyrics leave something to be desired. Could never warm up to White as Snow or Cedars though. Ever.

I’m guessing one was a Calvin and Hobbes fan?

Rio’s a tough one to pick for, even though every song is close to a gem. Yours might be as close as it would come though. Some might knock off Lonely (which I like too) to put on New Religion after the other three too.

Such a great album.

You have to dig around a bit more for it, imo. But Frank/Black/Charles has written some great songs in his solo career, for sure.

The first three songs on No Line on the Horizon gave me such hope for the rest of the album... and then I actually heard the other tracks.

The great thing about Achtung is that you really can’t go wrong with any particular three consecutive songs on there! Depending on the mood, I’d probably agree with every single combination at some point. As great as the first three songs are, I don’t think I could say the same about The Joshua Tree.

Some U2 fans will probably do the first three tracks off The Joshua Tree (Streets, I Still Haven’t Found..., With or Without You). I’ll change it up and say Even Better Than the Real Thing, One and Until the End of the World from Achtung Baby.

Great story by Erik though regarding his purchase. I didn’t even buy the compilation until 2014, oddly enough. I am in my 30s though!

Will use this in my groups texts now, thank you very much!